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He sniffed at the air as a dog does, and as he sniffed drew ever nearer to Nandie, till at last he laughed and pointed to her. "Your child, Princess, whose name I do not know. Your firstborn child, whom you loved more than your own heart." She rose. "Yes, yes, Nyanga," she cried. "I am the Princess Nandie, and he was my child, whom I loved more than my own heart." "Haha!" said Zikali.

It was scarcely done before the women reached the foot of the ladder and stood beside me. 'Quick! I cried to them, 'or they will be upon us. Seizing mademoiselle's hand, just as half-a-dozen men came running round the corner of the house, I jumped with her down the haha, and, urging her to her utmost speed, dashed across the open ground which lay between us and the belt of trees.

One day there came up the river a bateau from Tadoussac, bringing the news that the ice was all out of the St. Lawrence. "It will not be long time, now," said Bird, "before we begin to see you' countrymen. The steamboats come to Haha Bay in the last of June." Northwick responded to the words with no visible sensation.

Emma made no reply, but went quietly to bed; she had not the least idea of giving up her friendship for Fani, to please anybody. As they were all going upstairs in a little family procession, first Oscar, then Emma, then the aunt, and last the two younger children, Fred turned to Rikli and said: "Haha, Rikli, this goes capitally!" and he sang in a loud voice to a tune of his own making:

He intended to push through that day to Chicoutimi; but his start was so late that it seemed to him as if they would never get to Haha Bay. When they arrived, late in the afternoon, all sense of progress thither faded away; it was as if the starting and stopping were one, or contained in the same impulse.

For together in the Sai-no-Kawara are assembled Children of tender age in multitude, Infants but two or three years old, Infants of four or five, infants of less than ten: In the Sai-no-Kawara are they gathered together. And the voice of their longing for their parents, The voice of their crying for their mothers and their fathers "Chichi koishi! haha koishi!"