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There is no railway there yet, but the Valley is settling very fast, and Haggerty says " "How remarkable!" exclaimed the Major, gazing straight ahead. And again Mumbles, curled in Patsy's lap, lifted his shaggy head and gave a wailing bark. Uncle John frowned, but was loyal to Haggerty. "He says that if America was now unknown to all the countries of the world, Imperial would soon make it famous.

He crossed the street and entered the, alley and gazed up at the fire-escape down which Mason had made his escape. What impelled the detective to leap up and catch the lower bars of the ground-ladder he could not have told you. He pulled himself up and climbed to the window. Open! Haggerty had nerves like steel wires, but a slight shiver ran down his spine. Open, and Crawford yet on the high seas.

This big athlete looked like a detective, and the abrupt authority of his tones convinced me that he was. Haggerty was celebrated in the annals of police affairs; he had handled all sorts of criminals, from titled impostors down to petty thieves. He was not a man to trifle with, mentally or physically, and for this reason we were all shaking in our boots.

He was afraid that he would be dragged into a discussion, and sat looking away from them to the medals, and to the walls, on which were posters, showing mighty fists with hammers and flaming torches, or hog-like men lolling on the chests of workmen, which they seemed to enjoy more than the workmen. By and by he ventured to scan the group. Carson Haggerty, the American poet, was there.

"Sometimes they're tripped up," replied Haggerty. "A case like this is due t' slip through. I'll take a look." Thomas heard no more. A detective. Unobserved, he went down to his stuffy cabin, took off the chamois bag and locked it in his trunk. So long as it remained on board, it was in British territory. The following day he went into the great city of man-made cliffs. He walked miles and miles.

He turned whimsically toward me. "Are you engaged to marry this little woman?" "No." "Surely you love her!" "Surely I do!" I looked bravely at the girl as I spoke. But she never gave any sign that she heard. She pinned the ends of the bandages carefully. "And what brought you to this?" asked Haggerty, looking down at his prisoner. The prisoner shrugged.

Yet the dread of having to try the feat himself made him admire the manner in which Carson tossed about long creepy-sounding words, like a bush-ape playing with scarlet spiders. He talked insultingly of Yeats and the commutation of sex-energy and Isadora Duncan and the poetry of Carson Haggerty.

I sighed because the thought of jail for the night in a dress-suit dwindled in perspective; the girl sighed for the same reason and one or two other things; the chief of the village police and his officers sighed because darkness had suddenly swooped down on them; and Hamilton sighed because there were no gems. Haggerty was the one among us who didn't sigh. He scowled blackly.

"Yes, but how did the things get into our clothes, Tom?" "I give it up." "That sort of talk won't wash," put in the constable. "You have got to go with me." "Where to?" "To Squire Haggerty's office." "I will go with you," said Captain Putnam. "This affair must be sifted to the bottom." It was learned that Squire Haggerty lived two miles away.

Haggerty!" cried the policeman cheerfully, swinging me around. A detective! And Heaven help me, he believed me to be the thief! Oh, for Aladdin's lamp! I stood with folded arms, awaiting his approach. Nonchalance is always respected by the police. I must have presented a likely picture, however my face blackened with coal-dust, cobwebs stringing down over my eyes, my Capuchin gown soiled and rent.