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In 1902 there was suddenly a change for the worse: violent haemorrhage exhausted him till the beginning of February; he was for over a month confined to his study.

He feared the haemorrhage far less than the tender feeling in the soles of my feet and other small symptoms of the commencement of a chronic disease. Middendorf had taught us to recognize God's guidance in Nature and our own lives, and how often I succeeded in doing so!

He lifted the Swede's head in his arms to change and ease his position. Again came a fit of coughing and the terrible haemorrhage. After it was over Anderssen lay with closed eyes. Tarzan thought that he was dead, until he suddenly raised his eyes to those of the ape-man, sighed, and spoke in a very low, weak whisper. "Ay tank it blow purty soon purty hard!" he said, and died. Tambudza

I removed my thumbs, found that the haemorrhage was stopped, and then directed that he should be taken home on a door, and surgical assistance immediately sent for. "You appear to understand these things, sir," said Mr Cotgrave. "Tell me, is there any danger?" "He must suffer amputation," replied I, in a low voice, so that Harcourt could not hear me.

I administered restoratives to the dying woman, and did what I could to check the haemorrhage. After a time Lady Studley opened her dim eyes. "Oh, Henry!" she said, stretching out a feeble hand to him, "come with me, come with me. I am afraid to go alone." "My poor Lucilla," he said. He smoothed her cold forehead, and tried to comfort her by every means in his power.

had not been strong for years, and every now and again, specially during the winter and spring, he had a bad cough, with some slight haemorrhage. As he got better as soon as the warm weather set in, they had not considered the attacks dangerous, and Mr. would work as hard as ever, often doing night work by the dim light from the Chinese oil-lamp.

This at once accounted to him for some very unusual feelings of faintness which had come over him, and which he had at first attributed to his frequent and violent falls. The importance of checking the haemorrhage was so obvious, that he at once sat down and did his best to bind up the wound with the red cotton kerchief that encircled his neck.

"Coma occurs through an apoplexy, or concussion; by the use of certain narcotic or mineral poisons; and in various other ways, all of which are ruled out for us. "There remains syncope. A heart ceases to beat from haemorrhage, or starvation, from exhaustion, or the depressing influence of certain drugs. They who died here died from syncope; but why? No autopsy can tell us why.

Should they discover the animal asleep, one of the hunters would creep stealthily towards the head, and with one blow sever the trunk while stretched upon the ground; in which case the elephant would start upon his feet, while the hunters escaped in the confusion of the moment. The trunk severed would cause an haemorrhage sufficient to insure the death of the elephant within about an hour.

I'm rather glad they didn't, though, after all things couldn't be much worse than they are, could they, now? There, I came very near falling, I declare!" The moans of the sick woman at my side became almost constant toward noon; and she was obliged to surrender her infant wholly to my charge, for the haemorrhage of the day before had returned, and she was fast drifting into unconsciousness.