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No me es dado vaticinar la suerte que cabrá a los esfuerzos presentes que hacen las mujeres filipinas para obtener el sufragio; sin embargo que sus esfuerzos deben ser para ellas y para nosotros un motivo de orgullo y de honor porque indican que ninguna parte de nuestro pueblo es insensible a los grandes movimientos del siglo.

A rout of the Spaniards in the Axarquia was followed by the capture of Boabdil in a rout of the Moors; he was ransomed, accepting an ignominious treaty, while the war was maintained against Abdul Hacen. In the summer of 1487, Malaja fell, after a siege in which signal heroism was displayed by the Moorish defenders. Since they had refused the first offers, they now had to surrender at discretion.

The Moors besieged it in force; it was relieved, but the siege was renewed. In an unsuccessful attack on Loja, Ferdinand displayed extreme coolness and courage. A palace intrigue led to the expulsion from Granada of Abdul Hacen, in favour of his son, Abu Abdallah, or Boabdil. The war continued with numerous picturesque episodes.

DOÑA MATILDE. No decía yo eso, sino que tanta precipitación ... estas cosas, Eduardo, necesitan siempre pensarse algo. DON EDUARDO. ¡Al revés Matilde! estas cosas, si se piensan algo no se hacen nunca ... porque ... ya ve usted ... a cada paso ocurren nuevas dificultades.

So soon as Ferdinand and Isabella had established their government in their joint dominion, they turned to the project of destroying the Saracen power and conquering its territory. But the attack came from Muley Abul Hacen, the ruler of Granada, in 1481. Zahara, on the frontier, was captured and its population carried into slavery. A Spanish force replied by surprising Alhama.