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Alonzo Ramirez wished to have the right of burial in the new monastery, but the nobles of Toledo looked on his request as unreasonable. See Foundations, chs. xv. and xvi. See Way of Perfection, ch. viii.; but ch. v. of the previous editions. Ch. xxvii. section 10. St. John xiv. 23: "Ad eum veniemus, et mansionem apud eum faciemus." See section 6. Titus ii. 5: "Sobrias, domus curam habentes."

Et in quadam, sexum tam masculinum, quam foeminieum habentes, qui dum masculino vtuntur generant, dum foeminino, impregnantur et pariunt.

Strabones, glaucos, micantes et terribiles oculos habentes quaecumque et iratis oculis aspiciunt fascino inficiunt. Moral. If you ever meet with such an agreeable person as this Spaniard appears to have been, look out!

M. Olier had painted for his church a picture in which St. Sulpice was represented as laying down the fundamental rule of life for his clerks: Habentes alimenta et quibus tegamur, his contenti sumus.

Smashed to bits, and his bones sticking out of his skin for hunger, but there was the sun and the sea and the game he was playing with dice, and he looked as if he was saying, 'Nihil habentes, omnia possidentes; isn't it a jolly day? When Denis says that, I shall begin to have hopes for him.