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Gummidge, and no more utterly useless and often utterly mischievous citizen, than the peace-at-any-price, universal-arbitration type of being, who is always complaining either about war or else about the cost of the armaments which act as the insurance against war.

It looked just the same, except that it may, perhaps, have shrunk a little in my eyes; and Mrs. Gummidge was waiting at the door as if she had stood there ever since. All within was the same, down to the seaweed in the blue mug in my bedroom.

Peggotty, wiping the heat consequent on the porterage of Peggotty's box from his forehead; 'she'll be home, looking at the Dutch clock, 'in from twenty minutes to half-an-hour's time. We all on us feel the loss of her, bless ye! Mrs. Gummidge moaned. 'Cheer up, Mawther! cried Mr. Peggotty. 'I feel it more than anybody else, said Mrs.

Gummidge, whose courtship would appear to have been of an exactly parallel nature, she was so continually reminded by these transactions of the old one. At length, when the term of my visit was nearly expired, it was given out that Peggotty and Mr. Barkis were going to make a day's holiday together, and that little Em'ly and I were to accompany them.

Peggotty, shaking his head, 'theer's not so much left him, that he could spare the little as he has! 'And Mrs. Gummidge? said I. 'Well, I've had a mort of consideration, I do tell you, returned Mr. Peggotty, with a perplexed look which gradually cleared as he went on, 'concerning of Missis Gummidge.

And betwixt ourselves, sinking his voice lower yet, 'that woman's name ain't Missis Gummidge neither, though she has a world of merits. Mr.

They were silent; but hollow though time had branded their vaticinations the silence of the seers was not exactly golden. The prevailing pessimism was heart-breaking. At a critical stage, when a cheerful optimism was almost essential to the preservation of one's mental balance, we were tactlessly stuffed with the "lone lorn" lamentations of a Mrs. Gummidge.

"Lemme guess," says I. "You mean you struck a gusher on the sheep ranch?" "I didn't," says Gummidge. "Them experts I leased the land to did, though. Six hundred barrels per, and still spoutin' strong. They pay me a royalty on every barrel, too." "Oh!" says I. "Then you and Brother Jim " "Poor Jim!" says Henry. "Too bad he couldn't have hung on long enough to enjoy some of it. Enough for both.

'Missis Gummidge, he returned, 'not being a good scholar, sir, Ham kindly drawed it out, and she made a copy on it. They told her I was gone to seek her, and what my parting words was. 'Is that another letter in your hand? said I. 'It's money, sir, said Mr. Peggotty, unfolding it a little way. 'Ten pound, you see. And wrote inside, "From a true friend," like the fust.

Bang went a musket, and a puff of bluish smoke curled from the forest on the left. The ball passed over Moralle's head; he ceased paddling and dropped under cover. Baptiste did the same, but I kept my head up, looking for a chance to return the shot. My attention had just been attracted by a movement between the trees, when Gummidge cried, hoarsely: "Keep down, Miss Hatherton!