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Mr Gulching, she finds, is absent in search of a job, while Mrs Gulching, thoroughly cross and worried, is doing the housework with one hand and dangling a fractious teething baby from the other. Dolly, not a whit dismayed by a thoroughly ungracious reception, tucks up her skirt, rolls up her sleeves, finishes washing-up, makes a bed, and peels some potatoes.

Dolly begins at once. "Good morning, Mr Gulching! I expect you think I am one of those horrid canvassers." Mr Gulching, a little taken aback, admits that such was his impression. "Well, I'm not," says Dolly. Mr Gulching, outwardly frigid but inwardly liquescent, agrees that this is so; and adds in a truculent growl that he would like to see 'em try it on.

Then she takes the baby and attends to its more conspicuous wants, what time Mrs Gulching, thoroughly mollified, she had thought at first that Dolly was "a person with tracks," goes round the corner to the "Drop Inn," at which hostelry the work of which her spouse is habitually in pursuit invariably goes to ground, and brings that gentleman home with her, to find Dolly playing with a spotless infant whom she gradually recognises as her own offspring.

I'm afraid I haven't explained things very deeply, but then you men are such creatures for wanting to get to the root of the matter, aren't they, Mrs Gulching? However, Mr Inglethwaite will call shortly and discuss things with you. I know he wants your advice. Meanwhile, perhaps you will mention the matter to any friends of yours whom you think would be likely to help us, won't you?

Schemes for the improvement of some of the houses not snug little cribs like this, but the homes of people who are not so clever and able to take care of themselves as you and the supplying of more amusements in the evenings; entertainments, lectures " "Teetotal?" inquires Mr Gulching hoarsely. "Oh dear, no. I am sure Mr Inglethwaite would not wish to deprive any one of his glass of beer.

Good morning, and thank you so much for granting me this er interview. An Englishman's house is his castle, isn't it? That is why it was so good of you to let me come in. Good-bye, Mrs Gulching. He's a perfectly sweet little chap, and I must come and see him again, if I may." And yet some women are crying out for the right to control elections!

You may read it in great letters in the colouring of their red snouts, and gulching bellies as big as a tun, unless it be when they perfume themselves with sulphur.

He quite agrees with your views about moderate drinking." We can't do without you, you see," she adds, with a bewitching little smile. Visible swelling on the part of Mr Gulching. Dolly gets up. "Well, I know you are a busy man, Mr Gulching, so I mustn't keep you listening to a woman's chatter any more.

Her methods were entirely her own, and gratifyingly free from the superior and patronising airs usually adopted by fine ladies when they go to solicit the votes of that variegated and much-graded community which they cheerfully and indiscriminately sum up as "the lower classes." Let us follow her as she flits on her way to pay a morning call upon Mr Noah Gulching of Jackson's Row.