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Our hotel sits at the water's edge at least its front garden does and we walk among the shrubbery and smoke at twilight; we look afar off at Switzerland and the Alps, and feel an indolent willingness to look no closer; we go down the steps and swim in the lake; we take a shapely little boat and sail abroad among the reflections of the stars; lie on the thwarts and listen to the distant laughter, the singing, the soft melody of flutes and guitars that comes floating across the water from pleasuring gondolas; we close the evening with exasperating billiards on one of those same old execrable tables.

The music again resounded; Iday played on the harp, while the men handled the accordions and guitars with greater or less skill. The prize-winner was Albino, who actually scratched the instruments, getting out of tune and losing the time every moment or else forgetting it and changing to another tune entirely different.

Then they both astonish me, for on their well-tuned guitars they will pick out accompaniments in parts, and try again each time that the chords are not perfectly true to their ear, without ever losing themselves in the confusion of these dissonant harmonies, always weird and always melancholy. Usually, while their music is going on, I am writing on the veranda, with the superb panorama before me.

The coffee was delicious, and the hairdressers put their souls into their guitars. But I doubt if I shall go there again." "It tired you? The atmosphere in those places is so mephitic." "Oh, I didn't mind that. Besides, we blew it away by walking home, at least part of the way home." "Down Shaftesbury Avenue? That was surely rather dangerous." "Dangerous! Why?"

The customers of the brasserie were a mixed lot of women and men, the latter comprising' numerous nationalities, and all drawn to Paris by the wiles of the Goddess of Art. Topical songs of the day succeeded one another rapidly. A group of long-haired, polyglot students hung around the piano, while others played on violins or guitars, which they had brought to contribute to the evening's enjoyment.

The butler sent four melancholy Spanish students to the balcony, where they began to tune mandolins and guitars, while an Hungarian band took up its position, we conjectured, on some extension or balcony in the rear, the existence of which we had not guessed until we heard the music later. Then the butler turned on the electric light, and the family came into the drawing-rooms.

One could hear the thin twanging of guitars, uproarious songs, all the sounds of their drinking, singing, gambling, quarrelling, love-making, squalor. Sometimes the long shriek of a woman rent the air, or shouting tumults rose and subsided; while, on the other side of the cathedral, the houses of the past, the houses without life, showed no light and made no sound.

In those days the fandango was a popular function in San José, which still retained all the characteristics of a Mexican pueblo, and there was not a night without the strumming of guitars and the lively stepping of the dancers in some public hall. Murieta went to one of these fandangos and, by arrangement with confederates, brought it about that Clark came to the place searching for a criminal.

She was excited and stunned by her immediate experience in the transfer of money, and she said, 'I 'm sure I don't know what you want. 'Yes! cried they, striking their bosoms as guitars, and attempting the posture of the thrummer on the instrument; 'she knows. She does know.

His soul thrilled to remote harmonies; he heard the strum of far guitars and waters lapping on a warm Mediterranean shore for he was young now as he would never be again, and more triumphant than death. Six o'clock stole down too soon and rang the querulous melody of St. Anne's chimes on the corner.