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But the handsomer and abler of the two brothers still remained to her and the estate was safe. Lady Grosville thought of her own three daughters, plain and almost dowerless; and of that conceited young man, the heir, whom she could hardly persuade her husband to invite, once a year, for appearance sake. "Why are we so early?" said Ashe, looking at his watch.

Lady Grosville shot glances of wrath, rose suddenly at one moment and sat down again; her girls talked more disjointedly than ever to the gentlemen who were civilly attending them; while, on the other hand, Miss Lyster's flow of conversation with Louis Harman was more softly copious than usual. At last the Dean's wife looked at the Dean, a signal of kind distress, and the Dean advanced.

"Don't you all forget what a child she is," said Ashe, indignantly "not yet nineteen!" "Yes, that's true," said Lady Grosville, grudgingly. "I must confess I find it difficult to judge her fairly. She's so different from my own girls." Ashe hastily agreed.

Alcot had taken up the theme and was holding the others in play, he added in a lower voice, "and I was in no mood for second-best." Kitty's eyes twinkled a moment as she turned them on Madeleine Alcot. "Ah, I remember at Grosville Park what a bad temper you had. You would have gone away furious."

Then she added: "I'll go and see if she has a headache. You must consult with us, William; you know the mother so well." "Oh, I'm no good!" said Ashe, with energy. "But I'm sure that kindness would pay with Lady Kitty." He smiled at her, wishing to Heaven she would go. Lady Grosville stared. "I hope we are always kind to her," she said, with a touch of haughtiness.

Moreover, the last book of travels which had had an enormous success contained one of the most malicious attacks on foreign missions that Darrell remembered. And if the missionaries had a supporter in England, it was Lady Grosville. Had she designs material designs on behalf of Miss Amy or Miss Caroline? Darrell smiled at the notion.

Ashe had the resources of official knowledge; Cliffe had been recently on the spot, and pushed home the advantage of the eye-witness with a covert insolence which Ashe bore with surprising carelessness and good-temper. In the end Cliff e said some outrageous things, at which Ashe laughed; and Lord Grosville abruptly dissolved the party.

Quelles horreurs!" She raised her shoulders again impetuously, frowning at a huge full-length opposite of Lord Grosville as M.F.H., a masterpiece indeed of early Victorian vulgarity. Then suddenly, hastily, with that flashing softness which so often transformed her expression, she turned towards him, trying to make amends. "But the library that was bien ah! tr-rès, tr-rès bien!"

"Hope it was a decent 'great-great. Some of mine aren't much to boast of. Well, at any rate, let's be cousins whether we are or no, shall we?" She assented, her whole face lighting up. "And we're going to meet the week after next!" she said, triumphantly, "in the country." "Are we? at Grosville Park. That's delightful." "And then I'll ask your advice I'll make you tell me a hundred things!

Nothing would have induced Kitty to invite her aunt; the memory of a certain Sunday was too strong. On her side, Lady Grosville averred that nothing would have induced her to sit at Kitty's board. As to this, her husband cherished a certain scepticism. However, her resolution was not tried.