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Then you can catch it." "It'll be his fault anyway," said Alice. "Serve him jolly well right if I get pneumonia." "Pneumonia doesn't come to those who want it. I wonder what's wrong with Essy." Alice was tired and sullen. "You'd better ask Jim Greatorex," she said. "What do you mean, Ally?" But Ally had set her small face hard. "Can't you he sorry for her?" said Gwenda.

Ally still kept her eyes shut. "Has Mary gone?" "Yes." "And Papa?" "Yes. Lie still." She lay still. There was the sound of wheels on the road. It brought Mary and the Vicar back into the room. The wheels stopped. The gate clanged. Rowcliffe rose. "That's Greatorex. I'll go to him." Ally lay very still now, still as a corpse, with closed eyes. The house door opened.

"No, my dear old friend," said I, in conclusion, "I don't think it was Randall Holmes." Sir Anthony rose and shook his fist in my face. As I knew he meant me no bodily harm, I did not blench. "Who was it, then?" "Althea," said I, "often used to stay in town with your sister. Lady Greatorex has a wide circle of acquaintances. Do you know anything of the men Althea used to meet at her house?"

"No," she said gently. "Not now." "Yo navver were," said Greatorex; and he laughed. That laugh was more than Mr. Cartaret could bear. He thrust out his face toward Greatorex. Rowcliffe, watching them, saw that he trembled and that the thrust-out, furious face was flushed deeply on the left side. The Vicar boomed. "You will leave my house this instant, Mr. Greatorex.

On this horrified face there were the marks of dissolution, and, at the corners of the grim beard and moustache, a stain. It left nothing to be said. It was the face of the man who had drunk hard and had told his son that he had never been the worse for drink. Jim Greatorex stood and looked at it as if he knew what Rowcliffe was thinking of it and defied him to think.

Alice explored, penetrating into the interior. "Oh but aren't you glad you've got such a lovely fireplace?" "I doan' knaw as I've thought mooch about it. We get used to our own." "What are those hooks for in the chimney?" "They? They're fer 'angin' the haams on to smoak 'em." "I see." She would have sat there on the oak settle but that Greatorex was holding open the door of an inner room.

At noon, without dinner, went into the City, and there meeting with Greatorex, we went and drank a pot of ale. He told me that he was upon a design to go to Teneriffe to try experiments there. With him to Gresham Colledge Home and found all things in a hurry of business, Slater, our messenger, being here as my cook till very late.

The party at Ragley was invited to meet her latest medical attendant, an unlicensed practitioner, Mr. Valentine Greatrakes, or Greatorex; his name is spelled in a variety of ways. Mr.

After we had been about a fortnight in Edinburgh, Mr. Dawson said, in a sort of half doubtful manner to Miss Duncan "My sister bids me say, that every Monday evening a few friends come in to sit round her sofa for an hour or so, some before going to gayer parties and that if you and Miss Greatorex would like a little change, she would only be too glad to see you.

'Perhaps you'll tell me that isn't a more savoury topic for a lady. 'But for the tramp population less conducive to savouriness don't you think than baths? She took the book from him, shutting her handkerchief in the place where his finger had been. 'No, no' Greatorex, Panama in hand, was shaking his piebald head 'I can't understand this morbid interest in vagrants.