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Therefore, the "our friend" dispersed a common gratulatory glow. Very small points, my masters; but how are coral-islands built? Mrs. Chump fanned her cheek, in complete ignorance of the offence and defence.

The Countess went to shake her brother's hand, and with a very gratulatory visage, said through her half-shut teeth. 'If Mama appears, rise up and go away with her, before she has time to speak a word. An instant after Evan found himself seated between Mrs. Evremonde and one of the Conley girls. The dinner had commenced.

All the vessels in the harbor but one were gayly decked with flags, and upon two of them parties of ladies and gentlemen sang gratulatory odes as the barge of the president approached. The exception was the Spanish man-of-war Galveston, which displayed no token of respect.

Pritchard was called into consultation, and with great pride and delight engaged to have the dress and all things else in due order by the following night; her eyes saying all manner of gratulatory things as they went from the muslin to Fleda and from Fleda to Dr. Gregory.

The tone of the manifestation was good-humoured, but it was not gratulatory. He looked at his watch again, and saw that five minutes more had elapsed, and he remembered what the newspaperman in Charles Street had said about Olive's guaranteeing Verena's punctuality.

The learned men of past centuries have left us an example of this treatment of authors, in those gratulatory verses with which they were wont to hail every considerable literary or scientific performance. They knew human nature well.

Such vicissitudes, frequent in all trading communities, excite but a passing interest; and after the customary commonplaces commiserative of the fallen fortunes of the still youthful widow, and gratulatory good-wishes for the prosperity of the ci-devant clerk, the matter gradually faded from the minds of the sympathisers, save when the rapidly rising fortunes of Derville, in contrast with the daily lowlier ones of Madame de la Tour, suggested some tritely sentimental reflection upon the precariousness and instability of all mundane things.

The Countess went to shake her brother's hand, and with a very gratulatory visage, said through her half-shut teeth. 'If Mama appears, rise up and go away with her, before she has time to speak a word. An instant after Evan found himself seated between Mrs. Evremonde and one of the Conley girls. The dinner had commenced.

When you sell a bunch of whiskers and a hole in the ground for fifteen thousand dollars, it means more brain-work than would be needed in selling enough gold bricks to build a meetin'-house." And with such and similar gratulatory communings they found their setting forth across the sunlit sea that day an adventuring full of rich contentment.

Therefore, the "our friend" dispersed a common gratulatory glow. Very small points, my masters; but how are coral-islands built? Mrs. Chump fanned her cheek, in complete ignorance of the offence and defence.