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Groove," cried he, to that worthy, who peeped in at that moment; "you are right, it is better to plow away upon canvas blindfold, as our grandfathers no, grandmothers used, than to kill ourselves toiling after such coy ladies as Nature and Truth." "Aweel, I dinna ken, sirr," replied Groove, in smooth tones.

"Did you know she wouldn't even take hold of a knob to open a door, for fear of stretching them?" "She is a lady, sure." "Well, Estelle's not, thank God!" exclaimed Lorry. "She says one of her grandmothers was the daughter of a fellow who kept a kind of pawn shop, and that she's a case of atavism."

This is how things should be. It is not an impossible ideal; it is one which actually does exist in some few cases, and might exist in almost all, with a little more patience and forbearance upon the parents' part; but it is rare at present so rare that they have a proverb which I can only translate in a very roundabout way, but which says that the great happiness of some people in a future state will consist in watching the distress of their parents on returning to eternal companionship with their grandfathers and grandmothers; whilst "compulsory affection" is the idea which lies at the root of their word for the deepest anguish.

Then he made the cabin a glamour of light by putting candles in the sticks he had carved and placing them everywhere. "There is a lighting plant in the basement," he said, "but I had not expected to use it until winter, and I have no acetylene. Candles were our grandmothers' lights and they are the best anyway. Go bathe your face, Ruth, and wash away all trace of tears.

Here is one whose father was an Irishman and his mother a Scotchwoman; here is another whose paternal line were country parsons, while his maternal ancestors were city merchants or distinguished soldiers. Take almost anybody's 'sixteen quarters' his great-great grandfathers and great-great grandmothers, of whom he has sixteen all told and what do you often find?

Our mother and grandmothers who went into saloons praying and spilling the poisoned slop of these houses of crime and tears were blessed in their DEEDS. Oh! that the W. C. T. U. would do as they did, what a reform would take place. I love the organization of mothers. I love their holy impulses but I am heart-sick at their conventionality, their red tape.

"You're a confounded imbecile, that's what you are," shouted Governor North. The mayor turned on him. "Replying in the same sort of language, so that you may understand right where you and I get off in our relations, I'll tell you that you're the kind of man who would use grandmothers in a matched fight to settle a political grudge if the other fellow had a grandmother and you could borrow one.

I tried it again last year, but the charm was gone, for I missed my boy with his fun, his music, and the frank, fresh affection he gave his 'little mamma, as he insisted on calling the lofty spinster who loved him like half-a-dozen grandmothers rolled into one. December roses blossomed in the gardens then, and Laddie never failed to have a posy ready for me at dinner.

Oh!" and Britta looked volumes of wrath. "I could have beaten her black and blue!" Her vicious eagerness was almost comic every one laughed, including Thelma, though she pressed the hand of her little servant very warmly. "Oh fie!" said Lorimer seriously. "Little girls mustn't whip their grandmothers; it's specially forbidden in the Prayer-book, isn't it, Phil?"

We have all read, in the books of our grandmothers' childhood, of the children who, on the eve of going to visit their city cousins, were much exercised concerning their wearing apparel. "Would the pink frock, with the green sash, be just what was being worn to parties in the city?" the little girl of such story-books fearfully wondered.