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Her children, too, influenced her, though very oppositely, for Janet was found preparing to start for River Hollow, and on being told that she must wait, to go with her mother, till after Church, declared defiantly that "she saw no sense in staying at home to hear Rigdum when she did not know how ill Allen might be." "You would not have said that to grandmamma," said Carey.

You were born a daredevil and you must remember those two Indians and a bear that the Grandmamma Madam Donaldson murdered for safety for herself and her children. That Mr. G. Slade is just one bear and he's not as dangerous to you as if you wore 'skirts' anyway.

"How did Mr. Gurrage ask for my hand?" I ventured to question grandmamma. She looked at the Marquis, and the Marquis looked back at her, and polished his eye-glasses. At last grandmamma spoke. "That is not the custom here, Ambrosine, but from what I have observed he will take the first opportunity of asking you himself." Here was something unpleasant to look forward to!

Norman of Normansgrove were there with their two children and two maids, and grandmamma Woodward had her hands quite full in the family nursery line. It was a beautiful summer evening, and the two young mothers were sitting with Mrs. Woodward and Uncle Bat in the drawing-room, waiting for their lords' return from London.

To me those three years seem like one bright summer. Of course we had winters in them too, but there is a feeling of sunshine all over them. And, actually speaking, those winters were very mild ones nothing like the occasional severe ones, of another of which I shall soon have to tell. I was so well too growing so strong stronger by far than grandmamma had ever hoped to see me.

I can just fancy you, mamma, sitting out on this lawn you talk of, on a summer's day, and nursing your pinks and carnations, and listening to the nightingales, and Grandpapa and Grandmamma Langford, and Uncle and Aunt Roger, and the cousins coming walking in at any time without ringing at the door! And how nice to have Queen Bee and Uncle and Aunt Geoffrey all the vacation!"

The old lady produced a gold five dollar piece from her purse and put it in Matilda's hand. Then drawing the child kindly towards her, she added, "And from this time you must call me grandmamma, will you? as the others do; and I will call you my grandchild." She kissed the astonished Matilda, and the subject was dismissed. At least by the elders; the young people did not so easily let it drop.

Albinia herself was the best representative of English good looks, and never had she been more brilliant, her rich chestnut hair waving so prettily on the rounded contour of her happy face, her fair cheek tinted with such a healthy fresh bloom, her grey eyes laughing with merry softness, her whole person so alert and elastic with exuberant life and enjoyment, that grandmamma was as happy in watching her as if she had been her own daughter, and stroked down the broad flounces of her changeable silk, and admired her black lace, as if she felt the whole family exalted by Mrs.

"Dear, it must be true, then," said Grandmamma, taking another pinch. "What a pity! Be sure you do not forget the Paradise pudding." "Yes, Madam. They say, Madam, the Prince was nigh heart-broke that he couldn't come on." "Ah, I dare say. Poor young gentleman!" said Mrs Newton. "Dear Mrs Desborough, do excuse me, but where did you meet with that lovely crewel fringe on your curtains?

"To say nothing of all that will come by the post, and we shall not hear of," said Beatrice; "and look here, what I am going to seal for him, one, two, three eight letters." "Why! when could he possibly have written them?" "Last night after we were gone to bed. It shows how much more grandmamma will let him do than any one else, that she can allow him to sit up with a candle after eleven o'clock.