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In the town of Gramat there were only seven inhabitants left at the close of the Hundred Years' War. In order that the lands should not remain uncultivated, the nobles enfeoffed them to strangers from the Rouergue and other neighbouring provinces. This circumstance is supposed to account in a large measure for the differences in dialect which are to be observed in adjoining communes.

There is a world full of marvels under the causses of the Lot, the Aveyron, and the Lozère; but although much more will be known about it, a vast deal will remain for ever hidden from man. I will now return to my wayfaring across the Causse de Gramat in the early summer.

Before the main body of the British force that subdued Roc-Amadour as related by Froissart arrived in the Haut-Quercy, the castle of Prangères, near Gramat, was entered by a troop of armed men in the English service under Jéhan Péhautier, one of those brigand captains of whom the mediaeval history and legends of Guyenne speak only too eloquently.

But when she grew up she was convicted of the same crime, and was condemned to be burnt or buried alive. I have given elsewhere a very full account of the cave a den of robbers beside which that to which Gil Blas was carried was a paradise La Crouzate on the Causse de Gramat in the Department of Lot. I will therefore here mention it but superficially.