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I ain't making fun o' your mother's cookin'. But I won't have you tormenting me with gas about the goodies back home." "I know it ain't right, Shorty," said Si. "It only makes us feel worse. But I can't help thinkin' " "Jest go on thinkin'," sneered Shorty, "if you kin fill yourself up that way. I can't.

"Well, you shut up torturing me about home goodies," answered Shorty, "when we hain't got enough grub here to fill one undivided quarter-section o' one o' our gizzards, and there hain't no more this side o' the wagons, which are stalled somewhere in the Duck River hills, and won't be up till the katydids sing.

Some of the tiny creatures had brought their tiny violins and some their elfin flutes, and as all were in a merry mood they played rollicking airs such as "The Wind Tinkles the Fairy Bells" and "Mother Hulda Picks Her Geese." Tim Tim and Tom Tom danced and sang elfin songs. And then the merry tiny creatures ate the goodies brought in the acorn baskets.

There was one boy who did not take part in our financial ventures. What he did with his money we did not know, but we never saw a cent of it. He was ready enough to share our goodies but carefully kept his cash in his own hands. One day when we were playing three-old-cat in front of Pilgrim Hall, we lost the ball and searched for it in vain.

But on state occasions a great many tempting goodies were set out. I remember that we always had spiced buns and tarts and a certain kind of plum marmalade that mother had great skill in making. It was highly praised by every one. But it was not alone for these things that I was in a state of complete happiness from the time the company arrived until they departed.

It was well he was a dog of moderation, for there was great temptation to repeat the entertainment more than was wholesome for him. 'There, Wynnie, said Nuttie in a voice of monition, 'Monsieur doesn't eat all his goodies at once, he keeps them for bedtime. It might be perceived that the over-supply of sweets was a matter of anxiety to the elder sister.

Here, in the great, clean, sweet, comfortable place, the busy housewife lives, sometimes rocking the cradle, sometimes opening and shutting the oven door, sometimes stirring the pot, darning stockings, paring vegetables, or mixing goodies in a yellow bowl.

It all seemed so natural that he should take home a turkey, the cranberries and all the little "goodies" that his spare table required to make it strain with surprise on the glad day- tomorrow. Digby forgot that he had lost the bill, forgot that Kate had treated him so strangely, forgot that but an hour ago he had been lamenting the wrong he was doing Joe Delapere in spending his money.

There his playmates wore much better clothes and good stockings too, and warm top coats, but they never thought of making fun of Jean, for they all loved to play with him. And another added, "Won't it be fun to see the things in our shoes in the morning, the goodies that boys love?"

Now, as to business, what are we going to make the pie-crust of I mean what material will take the place of the pie-crust, which you know is what holds the goodies?" "It must be considerably stronger than the crisp, brittle crust which Aunt Bettie brings to our table," replied Aunt Alice with a laugh.