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Goodhue at the time of his tragic death. When Col. Robertson Started the Daily Democrat Capt. Shelly was connected with that office, and remained there until the Pioneer and Democrat consolidated. Capt.

Goodhue, myself, called Bana Mkuba, "the "big master," by my people the vanguard, the reporter, the thinker, and leader of the Expedition.

And as has been stated before, the disease, lying dormant, may not again attack him for five, ten, or forty years. The old horrors of leprosy go back to the conditions that obtained before the days of antiseptic surgery, and before the time when physicians like Dr. Goodhue and Dr. Hollmann went to live at the Settlement. Dr.

In the spring of 1849 James M. Goodhue arrived in St. Paul from Lancaster, Wis., with a Washington hand press and a few fonts of type, and he prepared to start a paper at the capital of the new territory of Minnesota.

Her grandfather, Benjamin Adams, married Susanna E. Goodhue, and lived in Newbury, Massachusetts, for many years. Their son, Charles Adams, was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, and moved to Helena, Arkansas. When the Civil War broke out, he fought on the side of the South and became a brigadier-general.