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The characters in Le Sage's 'Gil Blas, in Goldsmith's 'Vicar of Wakefield, and in Scott's marvellous muster-roll, seem to us almost as real as persons whom we have actually known; and De Foe's greatest works are but so many biographies, painted in minute detail, with reality so apparently stamped upon every page, that it is difficult to believe his Robinson Crusoe and Colonel Jack to have been fictitious instead of real persons.

Just as everything is in the most delightful confusion possible, the knight and the goldsmith's daughter try to make their way through the crowd and escape; but the troublesome old shoemaker, who has been watching them from the very beginning, runs quickly out, pushes the girl to her own door, where her father stands to receive her, drags the knight into his shop, seizes his prentice too, and shuts his door behind him.

At length he took it from the fire, and to his astonishment Mazin beheld a large lump of pure gold, which the Hijiemmee desired him to carry to a goldsmith's and get it exchanged for coin He did did so, and received a handsome sum, with which he returned to his adopted father.

The swallow is remarkably swift in flight; 'their note is a slight twittering, which they seldom if ever exert but upon the wing. Goldsmith's Natural History. Ed. 'Be in print'; a proverbial expression, to show order and regularity; like type in print. Ed. 'Ley'; barren or fallow, uncultivated, generally spelt lea. Ed. This riddle is solved in the fourth line following.

Croker has committed an error of five years with respect to the publication of Goldsmith's novel, an error of twelve years with respect to the publication of part of Gibbon's History, an error of twenty-one years with respect to an event in Johnson's life so important as the taking of the doctoral degree.

No, sir, I always thought Robertson would be crushed with his own weight would be buried under his own ornaments. Goldsmith tells you shortly all you want to know; Robertson detains you a great deal too long. No man will read Robertson's cumbrous detail a second time; but Goldsmith's plain narrative will please again and again.

In Chinatown A Musician's Shop A Secret Society Gambling Houses "The Heathen Chinee" Fortune-telling The Knife in the Fan-Case A Boarding House A Lesson for Landlords A Kitchen A Goldsmith's Shop The Restaurant Origin of the Tea-Plant What a Chinaman Eats The Tobacco or Opium Pipe A Safe with Eight Locks The Theatre Women by Themselves The Play The Stage The Actors The Orchestra and the Music The Audience A Death on the Stage The Theatre a Gathering Place No Women Actors A Wise Provision Temptations Real Acting Men the Same Everywhere.

My mother, for her part, was entranced by the goldsmith's work of the noble poet, and by the gems enclasped in its perfection of formative art, perfections within the pale of convention and fashion and romantic beauty which make lovely Tennyson's baronial domain.

And so, like the good old fellow that he is, he wishes the man who sang the song all joy and good luck and the prize. "While he is thinking of all this, comes the goldsmith's daughter, for she has heard that the young man has failed, and she is sad, and wants to talk to some one. Perhaps, too, she wants to know something.

So to London, and there visited my wife, and was a little displeased to find she is so forward all of a spurt to make much of her brother and sister since my last kindnesse to him in getting him a place, but all ended well presently, and I to the 'Change and up and down to Kingdon and the goldsmith's to meet Mr.