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So Katherine was selected to lay the matter before the Camp Fire because she was no more chummy with Hazel than any of the other girls. "Let's make this a special business meeting," suggested Miss Ladd, who had already discussed the proposition with Katherine and Mrs. Hutchins. "What Katherine has to say interests you as an organization.

The bands are started, the general and staff begin to move, and the column swings into the Olive Street road, followed by a concourse of citizens awheel and afoot, the horse cars crowded. Virginia and Maude and the Colonel in the Carvel carriage, and behind Ned, on the box, is their luncheon in a hamper Standing up, the girls can just see the nodding plumes of the dragoons far to the front.

Having never experienced it, she could not dream of the little social bits which crept in as easy and naturally as they did at home; the half hour of confidential chat, the lunches, the visits into the rooms of the other girls, the walks and rides; the gymnasium stunts and the dances where the tall girls lead. The kettle was boiling before Helen found the picture.

To avoid answering, she went more than half-way, by saying, 'Don't you think I might ask those poor girls to come with him? 'By no manner of means, said the Doctor, stopping short. 'It is just what I want, to get him away from his sister.

Kneebreeches, and refreshing her memory for the next day; but, alas! knowing one's duty is by no means the same thing as doing it, and Griselda sat on by the window doing nothing but grumble and work herself up into a belief that she was one of the most-to-be-pitied little girls in all the world.

But the real excitement began with the spelling classes. The first was open to all children under fourteen. At the invitation, boys and girls walked bravely to the front and joined the line till it reached from one side of the room to the opposite. A teacher from a neighboring town gave out the words. The weeding-out process soon began.

If she had had to pay carfare ten cents a day, sixty cents a week! as did many of the girls who lived at home, she would have been ruined. She understood now why every girl without a family back of her, and without good prospect of marriage, was revolving the idea of becoming a streetwalker not as a hope, but as a fear.

They cleaned the whole house till it shone, under the stress of excitement; and, as train time drew near, they fairly grew weak and sick with anxiety and suspense. Mrs. Dering did not say much, but when the carriage came, and she put on her hat, while the girls got the pillows, they saw that she was pale and trembling, and that her voice shook beyond control when she gave Dr.

And the two older girls got married long ago and I'm all alone except for Jessie, the youngest and I haven't told her anything about it." "Yes?" said Mr. Tutt sympathetically. "What haven't you told her about?" "My trouble.

The most elementary provision, of course, is that there be at least three bedrooms on the assumption that the normal family will contain both boys and girls. Consequently the demonstration house must contain not less than three bedrooms.