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"You may be sure he didn't wait long afther that, but he just dropped his basket and fell all the way up the stairs and into the room where the gintlemin was waitin' for their wine. Well, it was then that old MacCarthy was in the towerin' rage. Never a word could Jack say to tell where he'd been or how he came back, or why.

It was the best place from which to keep a strict eye on the cook. "The gintlemin don't feel conversaytional wid a pint o' surrup in his inside." "I tell you he'd be currled up with colic if he " "Well," said O'Flynn hopefully, "bide a bit. He ain't lookin' very brash." "Come here." Kaviak got up a second time, but with less alacrity. "Have you got a pain?" He stared. "Does it hurt you there?"

Yes, I was quarter-master-sirjeant, and hadn't I the sarving out of the rations; and didn't I know what good ration rum was; and didn't I help meself to the prime of it! Well, then, gintlemin and ladies I mane, Lord save yees, ladies and gintlemin if a quarter-master-sirjeant in the army had good rum, what the devil do you think a quarter-master-general gets?"

"'Gintlemin, says MacCarthy, 'ye'll get your wine, if I have to go to the cellar for it meself. But this I tell ye: I'll live no longer in this house, where I can't get servants to serve me. I'll be lavin' it to-morrow, and no later. The next time ye find me at home, ye'll find me in a place where I can keep a butler and have him do his work.

"Well, surr, I'd go to the mair of this city and to the judge of the criminal coort, and to the gov'ner of the Sta-ate, and to the ligislatur, if needs be, and I'd say, 'Gintlemin, I can't go back to that prison! There is more crimes a-being committed by the people outside ag'in the fellies in theyre than than than the the fellies in theyre has committed ag'in the people!

"It's mesilf that would like to ax a conundrum," said Mickey, "provided that none of the gintlemin prisent object to the same." Sut gave the Irishman to understand that he was always pleased to hear any inquiry from him, if he asked it respectfully. "The question is this: How long are we to kape thramping along in this shtyle? Is it to be for one wake or two, or for a month?

"'Is that all? says Jack; 'sure, yer honor, I'ld be glad to spend all me time, day and night, in the cellar, only ye might be wantin' me somewhere else now and then. "'Then look sharp, says old MacCarthy, 'for there's gintlemin comin' to dinner to-day.

I be but a plain uneducated man, Missus Muldoon, an' I have no wish t' speak disrespect of thim as is educated, but th' conversation of a gang of Frinch educated fleas is annoyin' t' a man that wants t' sleep." "I will speak t' th' professor, gintlemin," said Mrs. Muldoon, "an' remonstrate with him.

The broad countenance of Costigan beamed with joy at what he was about to say. "Gintlemin, the silence av Mr. Simpson is jew in all probabilitee to a certain ivint recalled by many here prisint, an’ more that’s absent, an’ amicablee settled out av coort—" Up to this time the unhappy Simpson had shown an almost superhuman endurance.

Some was f'r settin' fire to th' buildin', but no wan moved ahead. Thin th' fr-ront dure opened, an' who shud come out but th' little mother. She was thin an' pale, an' she had her apron in her hands, pluckin' at it. 'Gintlemin, she says, 'what is it ye want iv me? she says.