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Only a few flowers of autumn were visible, such as the fleabane and red gillyflower, autumn colchicums in the ravine, and under the beeches bracken and tufts of northern heather. At first Marouckla looked in vain for red apples. Then she espied a tree which grew at a great height, and from the branches of this hung the bright red fruit. Zarè ordered her to gather some quickly.

A very pretty picture was she, reader. with such a face as you sometimes see painted in those wayside shrines of sunny Italy, where the lamp burns pale at evening, and gillyflower and cyclamen are renewed with every morning. She might have been fifteen or thereabouts, but was so small of stature that she seemed yet a child.

There bloomed the flower of the bitter orange, as it were pearls and coral, the rose whose redness puts to shame the cheeks of the fair, the violet, like sulphur on fire by night, the myrtle, the gillyflower, the lavender, the peony and the blood-red anemone.

"Say a bouquet, sister Jemima, 'tis more genteel." "Well, a booky as big almost as a haystack; I have put up two bottles of the gillyflower water for Mrs. Sedley, and the receipt for making it, in Amelia's box." "And I trust, Miss Jemima, you have made a copy of Miss Sedley's account. This is it, is it? Very good ninety-three pounds, four shillings.

But there'll be raspberries. That's just as good, isn't it?" Gillian looked up, smiling a little. "It's settled we're going 'there, then wherever it is?" she said. "Do you think you'd like it, Gillyflower?" asked Magda. "It's a farm I've heard of in Devonshire, where they want to take paying-guests for the summer."

It was so searching and sincere in its way, that, as the carriage of the fairest Miss Gillyflower rolled away, that peerless young woman, catching sight of her face in the oval mirror, instantly pulled down the blinds, and, nestling the whitest shoulders in Greyport against the crimson cushions, went to sleep. "How haggard everybody is!

Here a crevice high in air was all abloom with purple gillyflower, and depending in festoons above it the golden blossoms of the broom; here a cleft seemed to be a nestling-place for a colony of gladiolus, with its crimson flowers and blade-like leaves; here the silver-frosted foliage of the miller-geranium, or of the wormwood, toned down the extravagant brightness of other blooms by its cooler tints.

'MY DEAREST GILLYFLOWER -I know this will be a great blow to you, as indeed it was to me; but we must not be selfish, and must remember that the sisters' happiness and welfare is the great point. I wish I could write to you more at length; but time will not let me, scattered as are all my poor flock at home.

"If only you cared enough about anybody to do something really outrageous run off with another woman's husband, even I believe I should respect you more than I do now." Magda laughed. "Gillyflower, I'm afraid you've no morals. And you here in the capacity of watchdog and duenna, too!" "It's all very well to make a joke of everything.

Her glance came slowly back to Gillian's face as she quoted the fragment of verse which had persisted in her thoughts: "To-day and all the still unborn To-morrows Have sprung from Yesterday. For Woe or Weal The Soul is weighted by the Burden of Dead Days Bound to the unremitting Past with Ropes of Steel." After a moment she added: "Even you couldn't cut through 'ropes of steel, my Gillyflower."