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"The fellow looked furtively at the door and then, diving into an inner pocket, pulled out a handsome gold watch with a massive chain attached, exhibited it for a moment and then dropped it back. "'That's the little article, said he, 'and before you makes a bid, you can look it over and try if the stuff's genu-wine. But not out here, you know.

He repeated the word, five minutes later, as we stood on the quarter-deck beside the body. "A genu-wine man, sir, unless I am mistaken." Well, the question is one for casuists. In my travels I have learnt this, that men are greater than governments; wiser sometimes, honester always. Heaven deliver me from any such problem as killed this old packet-captain!

'Twas plain to see he'd got a genu-wine scare comin' through Pitchstone Canyon, and it turned him sour, so he'd hardly talk to us, but just mumbled 'How! kind o' gruff, when the boys come up to congratulate him as to his marriage. "But Willomene, she says when she saw me, 'Oh, I am so glad! and we shook hands right friendly. And I wished I'd told her good-bye that day at the Mammoth.

"I was going to ask," said the prisoner simply, "if, before you put me in irons, I might go on deck and look at father. It'll be only a moment, sir." "Yes, sir, you may. And if you can get the ladies to excuse me, I will follow in a few minutes. I wish to pay him my respects. It's my opinion," he added pensively, as the prisoner left the cabin "it's my opinion that the man's story is genu-wine."

"Why, are you afraid?" And she laughed lightly. "I told 'em myself. And their astonishment seemed so genu-wine I'd just hate to think they had fooled me that thorough when they knowed it all along from you seeing me." "I did not see you. I knew it must of course I did not tell any one. When I said I said so from the first, I meant you can understand perfectly what I meant." "Yes, ma'am."