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It would be impossible to explain the difference which exists between the "gentilhomme" and the "gentleman." It is felt and understood, but cannot be described. The term "gentleman" itself is conventional. Neither birth nor accomplishments, nor even gentle manners, are necessary for undisputed assumption of the title.

I have now a favor to ask of you; which is, to include me in the list of those to whom you send the first fruits of the brilliant productions of your pen. There is none who is more devoted to you, and who has a more ardent desire to convince you of this. "I am, monsieur le gentilhomme ordinaire, with real attachment, etc." I showed this letter to M. de Richelieu.

Now again galloped up the Jagd Junker, or Gentilhomme de la Chasse of his Serene Highness the Prince of Little Lilliput. He pulled up his horse again apparently as much astounded as ever. "I thought that his Highness had been here." said the huntsman. "No one has passed us," said Vivian. "We heard a bugle to the right," said Essper George. "I am afraid his Serene Highness must be in distress.

"He is what you call 'noble," replied Lord Taunton "that is, what we call a 'gentleman; his name is Maltravers. He lately came of age; and has, I believe, rather a good property." "Monsieur Maltravers; only Monsieur?" repeated Madame de Ventadour. "Why," said the French minister, "you understand that the English gentilhomme does not require a De or a title to distinguish him from the roturier."

And the charming graces, the elegant accomplishments, of Anthony Woodville were too harmonious with the character of Edward, who in all except truth and honour was the perfect model of the gay gentilhomme of the time, not to have become almost a necessary companionship. Indolent natures may be easily ruled, but they grow stubborn when their comforts and habits are interfered with.

He died by it, too, later on, in a Balkanian squabble, in the cause of some Serbs or else Bulgarians, who were neither Catholics nor gentlemen at least, not in the exalted but narrow sense he attached to that last word. Poor J. M. K. B., Americain, Catholique, et gentilhomme, as he was disposed to describe himself in moments of lofty expansion!

"Oh, I grant you all that!" returned Ferrari, with some impatience. "He was the most moral man in immoral Naples, if you care for that sort of thing. Studious philosophic parfait gentilhomme proud as the devil, virtuous, unsuspecting, and withal a fool!" My temper rose dangerously but I controlled it, and remembering my part in the drama I had constructed, I broke into violent, harsh laughter.

"You have galled our host," said Valerie, smiling. "Louis XVIII. and his friends lived here as long as they pleased, and as sumptuously as they could; their visits half ruined the owner, who is the model of a gentilhomme and preux chevalier. He went to Paris to witness their triumph; he expected, I fancy, the order of the St. Esprit. Lord Doningdale has royal blood in his veins.

He could not remember that braconnier was a poacher by land, not by sea, and very unnecessarily disclaimed to the Maire being such a thing. His father, he said, "was gentilhomme anglais en what's a yacht? yac. "And there I interposed," said Phyllis, "for fear we should be boarded as escaped galeriens."

There were enough landless gentlemen in France; why should they not be used as the basis of a seigneurial nobility in the colony? It was with this idea in view that the Company of One Hundred Associates was empowered not only to grant large tracts of land in the wilderness, but to give the rank of gentilhomme to those who received such fiefs.