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The event showed that his surmise was correct, for soon after he had spoken the dragon uttered a startling cry a kind of squawk like that of a drake, but much louder, hoarser, shriller and alighted on the ground. "There is not a moment to lose," said Gazen. "We must attack him before he enters the cave."

"I think, sir," said Professor Possil to the Chair, with exasperating coolness, "I think, sir, that after the astounding revelation of the learned professor, we shall be perfectly justified in concluding on sufficient evidence that the professor's head, and not the planet Venus, has been 'wobbling' of late." "What I say is true," cried Gazen, nettled at this rude insinuation.

When Gazen explained the doctrine of "the struggle for existence ending in the survival of the fittest" to Otāré, he replied that it was an excellent principle for snakes; but he considered it beneath the dignity and wisdom of men to struggle for a life which could be maintained by the labour of love, and ought to be devoted to rational or spiritual enjoyment.

"I wonder if we are still rising," ejaculated Gazen. "Let us take a look at the planet." "Don't be long," pleaded Miss Carmichael, as we turned to go. "Meanwhile, I shall try and bring my father round."

"They would be torn and whirled away." "So far as I can see there is only one hope for us," said I. "If we should happen to fall into a deep sea or lake, the car would rise to the surface again." "Yes, that is true," responded Gazen; "the car is hollow and light. It would float. The water would also cool the machines and we might escape." The bare possibility cheered us with a ray of hope.

"How do you account for it?" "The light is not outside the disc," responded Gazen, "else I should ascribe it to a small comet. It may be due to an aurora in Mars as a writer in Nature has suggested, or to a range of snowy Alps, or even to a bright cloud, reflecting the sunrise. Possibly the Martians have seen the forest fires in America, and started a rival illumination."

"He never misses an opportunity of attacking me. 'Tis the nature of the animal. But I flatter myself I shall get the laugh on him this time." The hall was full. The hearty welcome of the Fellows showed their high appreciation of Professor Gazen, and made me feel quite proud of his acquaintance.

"Oh, Heaven!" cried Gazen, stopping with a gesture of despair. He was deeply moved, and pale as death; but he did not altogether lose his head. What was to be done? "The car the car!" he exclaimed. "We must follow her in the car. Keep your eye on the beast while I go for it."

I began to think of the sensation which our mysterious disappearance would make in the newspapers, and of divers other matters, such as my own boyhood and my friends, when all at once my eyes grew dim and I remembered nothing more. "Try to speak there's a good fellow open your eyes." I heard the words as in a dream. I recognised the voice of Gazen, but it seemed to come from the far distance.

We could discern the general shape, and even the details of many houses, and the roofs and minarets of the palace, which was evidently built on the top of an island in the midst of the lake. "That is not a phantasm," said I at last; "it is a real city." Gazen made no reply, but turned and silently shook me by the hand. The tears were standing in his eyes.