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Looking round he saw the gazelle looking at him with an expression in its beautiful eyes that said plainly, "Give me my share." "You shall have it, my dear," said the artist, handing the creature a roll, with which it retired contentedly to its cushion. "Perhaps," thought the youth, as he pensively sipped his coffee, "this room may be sometimes used by Hester!

For in this town have I as yet seen no people. If I die, I die, and if I live, I live. Here can I think of no plan, so if anything is to kill me, it will kill me. Then it knocked twice at the door, and cried 'Open, but no one answered. And it cried again, and a voice replied: 'Who are you that are crying "Open"? And the gazelle said, 'It is I, great mistress, your grandchild.

Strong as this truculent leader was in men and money, the Khedive Ismail did not believe that he would dare to resist his power. He therefore decided to have recourse to force, and in 1869 he sent a small military expedition, under the command of Bellal Bey, to bring the Bahr Gazelle into submission.

"Well, you are a nice little beast," said Foster, as he fondled it; "whoever owns you must be very kind to you, but I can't afford to waste more time with you. Must get to work." He rose and returned to his easel while the gazelle trotted to its cushion and lay down to sleep? perchance to dream? no, to gaze, as before, but in mitigated wonder.

So, then, when such an one departs from this world we weep for ourselves, we do not weep for the gazelle. And they said furthermore: 'The gazelle did you much good, and if anyone says he could have done more for you he is a liar! Therefore, to us who have done you no good, what treatment will you give?

So he gave chase to it, followed by seven of King Teghmus's white slaves all mounted on swift steeds, and rode at speed after the gazelle, which fled before them till she brought them to the sea shore. They all ran at her to take her as their quarry, but she escaped from them and, throwing herself into the waves," And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

Elizabeth trembled with joy at receiving this double letter; for the eight years that her enmity had been daily increasing to Mary Stuart, she had followed her with her eyes continually, as a wolf might a gazelle; at last the gazelle sought refuge in the wolf's den.

At this news the women rejoiced much, and the slaves rejoiced much, and in the space of two hours they came to the gates, and the gazelle bade them all stay behind, and it went on to the house with Sultan Darai. When the old woman saw them coming through the courtyard she jumped and shouted for joy, and as the gazelle drew near she seized it in her arms, and kissed it.

Yes, here was the evidence of a barbarous custom which deprives a human being of one of nature's good gifts, so necessary to our comfort and happiness. Think what you would be, if, through infirmity, you were not at liberty to go hither and thither at will like the young hart or gazelle!

The meshes of the net were large and not very regular. They were carefully secured by knots at all the angles. Beaters, probably accompanied by dogs, roused the game in the coverts, which was then driven by shouts and barkings towards the place where the net was set. The chase of the gazelle is not shown on the sculptures.