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"Wait." He drew away from her and held up his forefinger. "There's something still." He looked, Ellen thought, very like Marion as he stood there, his eyes roving about her face. Because his shoulders were bowed his body looked thick like a tree-trunk; his swarthiness had the darkness of earth in it and the gold of ripe corn; and his gaze lay like a yoke on its object.

"She is at a safe distance, sir, and her starboard quarter-boat is manned and ready to drop into the water." "Captain Sharp will do the right thing at the right time," replied the commander, whose gaze was riveted upon the struggling party in the water. "I trust we shall be able to save the whole of them." "The chances are good for it," answered the second officer.

She saw his gaze pass over her shoulder; and then heard these words come slowly, one by one, like dropping stones. His face was like a ghost's in the bonfire's light, and he muttered again "From battle and murder, and from sudden death Good Lord, deliver us!"

When at any time Virgil came to Rome, if the people, as was commonly the case, crowded to gaze upon him, or pointed at him with the finger in admiration, he blushed, and stole away from them; frequently taking refuge in some shop.

"If anybody is crazy it is those two," and she pointed to the Balls. "Take in a drab like that girl and throw me out. Why, I believe I've seen her before. Somehow, she looks familiar," she added, her sharp gaze fixed on Sheila again. "Well, wherever it was, she was up to no good, I'll be bound." "Are you coming with me willingly, and now?" put in Tunis more harshly.

"How very merciful God has been!" the old lady said softly, her gaze resting lovingly on the group waiting outside, in the sunlight of another beautiful day. "Oh, Donald " she continued, "it seems almost too good to think of you and the dear children, coming to live here always, to gladden the years." "We should be truly grateful," Mr.

Grigsby, his gaze narrowing. "I reckon they must have got in by the southern route along the Gila River. And if so, I pity 'em. It's a terrible trail." The captain's boat was returning from the landing at the hide-houses, accompanied by a large whale-boat filled with strangers.

Naturally his first impulse was towards flight, but as his bewildered gaze slipped about the room it fell upon five stockings hung against the mantelpiece, and stayed there fascinated. Five foolish, limp, expressionless stockings, it was long since he had seen such an unreasonable spectacle. Then he recollected himself and looked around him.

Then she remembered that he had asked something. "In prison, here, we get a down look," she said, with pathetic simplicity. "But you will look in my face now." She did gaze at him earnestly; but shook her head and dropped her eyes, for the force of habit was still upon her. "I do not know you," she murmured. "Did you then expect some friend?" asked the gentleman.

Could he have known how the tears burned under her lashes, and how cold her fingers were on the keys; could he have guessed how she sat there under his steady gaze, with tense muscles and quivering nerves, calculating the minutes that must elapse before Noah's interminable verses would end, and she could escape, he might have had compassion on her.