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"I hae naething to tell ye, Ma'colm, but jist 'at my leddy Florimel's gauin' to be merried upo' Lord Meikleham Lord Liftore, they ca' him noo. Hech me!" "God forbid she sud be merried upon ony sic a bla'guard!" cried Malcolm. "Dinna ca' 'im ill names, Ma'colm. I canna bide it, though I hae no richt to tak up the stick for him."

Cosmo said he was quite able to get up and go home that minute. But his father would not hear of it. "I can't bear to think of you walking back all that way alone, papa," objected Cosmo. "Ye dinna think, Cosmo," interposed Aggie, "'at I'm gauin to lat the laird gang hame himlane, an' me here to be his body-gaird! I ken my duty better nor that."

'It min's me o' the women gauin til the sepulchre! said David. 'Eh, but it maun hae been a sair time til them! a heap sairer nor this hert-brak here! 'Ye see they didna ken 'at he wasna deid, assented Kirsty, 'and we div ken 'at Steenie's no deid! He's maybe walkin aboot wi the bonny man or maybe jist ristin himsel a wee efter the uprisin!

He's a bonny lad bonny eneuch to be yer leddyship's and his lordship's: an' sae, as I was remarkin', i' the jeedgment a' ill thouchtit fowk, the mair likly to be heir to auld Stewart o' Kirkbyres!" She laughed huskily. "But I maun hae a scart a' yer pen, mem, afore I wag tongue aboot it," she went on. "I ken brawly hoo to set it gauin'! I sanna be the first to ring the bell.

But I tell you what it is, friend ye knaw what the Bible says 'The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; now, the way to face breakers, or a storm at sea, is not to pull through desperation, as if your life depended on the pulling; but when you see a wave coming, ye must backwater and backwater, and not pull again until ye see an opportunity of gauin forward.

She winna be to caw in sic a win' 's this, an' no plain ro'd afore her." "Whaur div ye think o' gauin'?" asked Robert, who, satisfied as usual with whatever might be in his wife's mind, had not till this moment thought of asking her where she meant to take refuge. "Ow, we'll jist mak for the Mains, gien ye be agreeable, Robert," she answered.

"Ay!" said Janet, in a low voice, "the live stanes maun come to the live rock to bigg the hoose 'at'll stan." "What think ye, Maister Fergus, you 'at's gauin' to be a minister?" said Robert, referring to his wife's words, as the young man looked in at the door of the kitchen. "Lat him be," interposed his father, blowing his nose with unnecessary violence; "setna him preachin' afore's time.

"I like fine to hear the wheel singin' like a muckle flee upo' the winnock. It spins i' my heid lang lingles o' thouchts, an' dreams, an' wad-be's. Neist to hearin' yersel' tell a tale, I like to hear yer wheel gauin'. It has a w'y o' 'ts ain wi' me!"

The next moment, Watty Witherspail, who had his station at the further side of the hearse, arriving somehow at a knowledge of the apparition, came round by the horses' heads, and with a look of positive alarm at the glaring infringement of time honoured customs, addressed her in half whispered tones expostulatory: "Ye'll never be thinkin' o' gauin' yersel', mem!" he said.

Ony gait, I'm thinkin' it'll be aboot time for me to be gauin' hame." Malcolm was vexed with himself, and both disappointed and troubled at the change which had come over his friend, and threatened to destroy the lifelong relation between them; his feelings therefore held him silent. Peter concluded that the marquis was displeased, and it clenched his resolve to go.