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Sir, thrum wan iv Die amstrung's Orringemen an' a fren to the axshize." The gauger after breakfast again resumed the conversation as follows: "Have you changed your mind, Harry, regarding the Excise? because if you have I think I may soon have an opportunity of getting you a berth." "No, sir, I feel an insurmountable repugnance to the life of a Still hem."

'And now hear me; and let that man, pointing to Hatteraick, who was seated with his keepers on a sea-chest at some distance 'let him deny what I say if he can. That is Henry Bertram, son to Godfrey Bertram, umquhile of Ellangowan; that young man is the very lad-bairn that Dirk Hatteraick carried off from Warroch wood the day that he murdered the gauger.

"Ay: but the curse of Cromwell upon the thief of a gauger, Simpson himself and a pack o' redcoats surrounded us when we war beginnin' to double, and the purtiest runnin' that ever you seen was lost; for you see, before you could cross yourself, we had the bottoms knocked clane out of the vessels; so that the villains didn't get a hole in our coats, as they thought they would."

Chevydale, whom he unseated by his vote, after having incurred several thousand pounds of expense, was resolved to make him suffer for the loss of his seat, as well as for having dared to vote against him a purpose in which he was strongly supported, or into which, we should rather say, he was urged by Fethertonge, who, in point of fact, now that the leases had dropped, was negotiating a beneficial bargain with the gauger, apart from Chevydale's knowledge, who was a feeble, weak-minded man, without experience or a proper knowledge of his duties.

Despard asserted that nobody knew how it was spelled, and that, from the necessities of human nature, it was simply impossible to tell whether it was gauger or guager. This brought out Thornton again, who mentioned several law papers in which the word had been correctly written by his clerks.

"The eye of the gauger saw it not," was, with a sly, good-humored wink, handed over to Mat, or Nancy, no matter which, from under the comfortable drab jock, with velvet-covered collar, erect about the honest, ruddy face of a warm, smiling farmer, or even the tattered frieze of a poor laborer anxious to secure the attention of the "masther" to his little "Shoneen," whom, in the extravagance of his ambition, he destined to "wear the robes as a clargy."

I heard someone talking on the other side of the boat, and I looked up forward to see Sprague, in a bathing suit, and Gregory the Gauger. Sprague was entertaining the Gauger with a poem which he had been reciting at intervals ever since we met him. "'She'd git her little banjo an' she'd sing Kulla-lo-lo! but not in Bailey's Harbor, hey, what?

"Contrary to statoot," put in Gregory the Gauger. "Shut up, Mose!" said the constable. "I thought that the peace was pretty well disturbed already," said the banjo-player,"there was so much noise in the street that it woke us all up. I couldn't sleep, none of us could sleep, and I didn't see any harm in playing a tune. Whose peace could I disturb?"

It was observed upon her examination that she treated the questions respecting the death of Kennedy, or 'the gauger, as she called him, with indifference; but expressed great and emphatic scorn and indignation at being supposed capable of injuring little Harry Bertram.

It was observed upon her examination that she treated the questions respecting the death of Kennedy, or 'the gauger, as she called him, with indifference; but expressed great and emphatic scorn and indignation at being supposed capable of injuring little Harry Bertram.