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"'Tis again nature," he said, "the Lard gave us the land an' the seed, but 'Ee said that a man should sweat. Where's the sweat drivin' round wi' two horses cuttin' the straw down an' gatherin' it again, wi' scarce a hand's turn i' the day's work?" Old Dodden's high-pitched quavering voice rose and fell, mournful as he surveyed the present, vehement as he recorded the heroic past.

'He'll be shore to ask yuh what yur a-goin' to do when it comes to cookin' an' gatherin' the wood. 'Then we'll consider it all arranged, concluded Sloper.

"'Three pounds! says I; 'be-gorra ye might as well ax me to give you the rock of Cashel. "'I'm sorry for ye, Mickey, says he, gatherin' up the reins to ride off, 'I'm sorry for ye; and the time will come when the neglect of your poor father will be a sore stroke agin yourself. "'Wait a bit, your reverence, says I, 'wait a bit. Would forty shillings get him out?

There wasn't a lay-out in town could touch it, an' by an' by it got so that it set the mark on every gatherin' that was held, those where Minnie's satin didn't appear bein' rated as of no account." Celestina paused, and her mouth took an upward curve, as if some pleasant reverie engrossed her.

Sylvie, I'm much beholden t' ye for comin' so early, and helpin' t' lasses, but yo' mun come in t' house-place now, t' folks is gatherin', an' yo'r cousin's been asking after yo' a'ready. Molly gave her a nudge, which made Sylvia's face go all aflame with angry embarrassment.

"Some of our people had been gatherin' at San Felipe to stop the march of Cos if they could," he said, "but they've been drawn off now to help Gonzales. They're comin' from Bastrop, too, an' other places, an' if there ain't a fight then I'm the Ring Tailed Panther for nothing. If we keep a good pace we can join a lot of the boys by nightfall." "We'll keep it," said Ned.

What I was thinkin'.... Let me tell you what I was thinkin'. I said buryin' association, didn't I? Well, it was not with the idea of castin' gloom over this merry gatherin'. Far be it...." He was so evidently seeking a way out of his predicament, that Mary tossed her head triumphantly. This acted as a spur to his reeling wits. "Let me tell you why," he went on.

I'm happier than any human ever had a right to be, an' life never drags none at least not in the daytimes. The' 's dozens o' boys named after me, an' only the recordin' angel knows how many dogs an' ponies. Take it as a big gatherin', an' if any one yells, "Happy, you rascal, get out o' here," Why the' 's a general stampede.

Keep him chasin', and while the rest of the boys are gatherin' cattle Rufe and me will move a few sheep." "Well, say," broke in Ben Reavis impatiently, "where do us fellers come in on this play? I thought there was goin' to be a few shap lessons and a little night work."

And wid that down it squats, and begins sayin', 'Creely-crawly snail where's the creely-crawly snail I'm after huntin' out of its houle? lettin' on to be lookin' for somethin' creepin' in the grass. And a while after it come slinkin' back, when it thought nobody was mindin', to poke the bit out of the wall where I was gatherin' dandelions under the bank.