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Grit's half trainin'!" "I wish I could be there to see him beaten!" Ida had tried to turn her wounded pride into dislike, and was succeeding. "I hate to feel he's in the same town with us the coward!" At this moment Mrs. Gulmore reentered the room. "To think of it! Sal left the gas-stove flarin'. I made her get up and come downstairs to put it out. That'll learn her!

Every now and then, when we are tired of being rich, we'll creep off there and boil eggs over the gas-stove and pretend we are just ordinary persons again." "And oftener than every now and then this particular plutocrat is going to creep off there and try to teach himself to paint pictures." Ruth nodded. "Yes, I think you ought to have a hobby. It's good for you." Kirk said nothing.

As for the gas-stove, he had placed it so that its light couldn't reach the door, which had no transom and possessed a shield for the keyhole. For water, he need only go to the rear of the hall, to a bath-room, of which Mr. Bud kept a key hung up in his own apartment. During his secret residence in the house, Davenport visited the bath-room only at night, taking a day's supply of water at a time.

She looks all over the house for them and feels a strong impulse to burn all matches of the kind easily lighted. About an hour before the fatal disaster, she reaches for a box to destroy it; but she says to herself that her eldest boy is gone out, thinks that she may need the matches to light the gas-stove and decides to destroy them as soon as he comes back.

"It's solid enough," he said sulkily. As he turned, his eye fell on the table in Priscilla's bedroom. "Is that a gas-stove in there?" he demanded. Patty shrugged her shoulders. "An apology for one be careful, Mr. Peters! Don't get against that bookcase. It's just painted."

Yet I've nothing but tea in the house." "And where do you make that? Aren't you afraid of smoke?" "There's a gas-stove in the dining-room." "But surely to goodness," I cried, "there's a cellar lower down!" "My dear, good Bunny," said Raffles, "I've told you already that I didn't come in here on business. I came in for the Cure.

"I ask you to note the fact that the inscription was upside down. I also observed on the walls of the chambers some valuable Japanese colour-prints on which were recent damp-spots. I noted that the sitting-room had a gas-stove and that the kitchen contained practically no stores or remains of food and hardly any traces of even the simplest cooking.

Instead, the cavernous, whitewashed room was full of fog, but she noticed that, though the shutters were bolted and barred as she had left them, the windows behind them had been widely opened to the air. She had left them shut. Making a "spill" out of a twist of newspaper she had been taught the art as a girl by one of her old mistresses she stooped and flung open the oven-door of her gas-stove.

This part also corresponds with the jet of the Bunsen burner, when the holes are closed by which otherwise air would mingle with the gas, or with the flame from a gas-stove when the gas ignites beneath the proper igniting-jets, and which gives consequently a white or yellow flame.

He patted her back softly, and hoped: "Maybe some day we can get a little house out of town, and then you can garden.... Sorry old Siddons is laid off again.... Is the gas-stove working all right now?" "Um-huh, honey. I fixed it." "Say, let me make the coffee, Nell. You'll have enough to do with setting the table and watching the sausages." "All rightee, hun. But, oh, Billy, I'm so, shamed.