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Regiones atque gentes in quas divisa fuit quondam, sunt, Agyptus, Cyrenaica, Africa Minor, seu proprie dicta, Troglodyta, Garamantes, Numidia, Mauritania, Gaetulia, Libya interior, Arabia Troglodytica et Athiopia. Agyptus. Prima Africa Asiaque proxima est Agyptus, quam veteres Geographi in Asia regionibus computarunt.

The Garamantes are a well known people of the interior of Africa, in ancient geography; of the Natabres I can make nothing; the Geothulas are evidently the Getulians. Probably the same called just before the Malvarius, and now the Malul. But the geographical description of Africa by Alfred, is so desultory and unarranged as to defy criticism.

Others there be which like beasts live without wedding, and dwell with women without law, and such be called Garamantes. Others go naked, and be not occupied with travail, and they be called Graphasantes. There be other that be called Bennii, and it is said, they have no heads, but they have eyes fixed in their breasts.

The king of the Garamantes, venerable for his age and renowned for his prophetic lore, interposed, and assured the King that such an attempt would be sure to fail, unless he could first get on his side a youth marked out by destiny as the fitting compeer of the most puissant knights of France, the young Rogero, descended in direct line from Hector of Troy.

Near them were a body of Garamantes, wrapped in the long bernous which then as now was the garb of the children of the desert. Tall, swarthy figures these, lissome and agile, with every muscle standing out clear through the brown skin. Strange as must have been the scene to them, there was no wonder expressed in the keen glances which they shot around them from underneath their dark eyebrows.

A king of the Garamantes, also, was brought back from exile by two hundred dogs, which maintained the combat against all his opponents. The people of Colophon and Castabala kept troops of dogs for the purposes of war; and these used to fight in the front rank and never retreat; they were the most faithful of auxiliaries, and yet required no pay.

Among the Garamantes is a spring so cold by day that you cannot drink it, so hot at night that you cannot put your finger into it. A fig-tree in Egypt, apples of Sodom, the non-deciduous trees of an island in India these are the other travellers' tales which serve him for wonders. The alphabetical method did not hold its own without struggle.

In the armoury could be seen, between banners and the heads of wild beasts, weapons of all nations and of all ages, from the slings of the Amalekites and the javelins of the Garamantes, to the broad-swords of the Saracens and the coats of mail of the Normans. The largest spit in the kitchen could hold an ox; the chapel was as gorgeous as a king's oratory.

The king of the Garamantes, venerable for his age and renowned for his prophetic lore, interposed, and assured the King that such an attempt would be sure to fail, unless he could first get on his side a youth marked out by destiny as the fitting compeer of the most puissant knights of France, the young Rogero, descended in direct line from Hector of Troy.

Siteontai de hoi Troglodytai ophis, kai Saurous, kai ta toiauta ton Herpeton. These Garamantes hunt the Troglodyte Æthiopians in Chariots with four Horses. The Troglodyte Æthiopians are the swiftest of foot of all Men that ever he heard of by any Report. The Troglodytes eat Serpents and Lizards, and such sort of Reptiles. They use a Language like to no other Tongue, but screech like Bats.