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The return of Jean de Béthencourt Gadifer's jealousy Béthencourt visits his archipelago Gadifer goes to conquer Gran Canaria Disagreement of the two commanders Their return to Spain Gadifer blamed by the King Return of Béthencourt The natives of Fortaventura are baptized Béthencourt revisits Caux Returns to Lancerota Lands on the African coast Conquest of Gran Canaria, Ferro, and Palma Islands Maciot appointed Governor of the archipelago Béthencourt obtains the Pope's consent to the Canary Islands being made an Episcopal See His return to his country and his death.

When they reached Seville, Gadifer laid his complaints before the king, but as the king gave judgment against him, fully approving of Béthencourt's conduct, he left Spain, and returning to France, never revisited the Canary Islands which he had so fondly hoped to conquer for himself.

This reached Béthencourt's ears; he was much incensed, and reproached Gadifer. High words followed, Gadifer insisted upon leaving the country, and as Béthencourt had just made arrangements for returning to Spain, he proposed to Gadifer to accompany him, that their cause of disagreement might be inquired into. This proposal being accepted, they set sail, but each in his own ship.

Just at this time, and when he had scarcely had time to forget his grievances and ill-humour, Gadifer accepted the command of a small band of men who were to conquer Gran Canaria. He set out on the 25th July, 1404, but this expedition was not fated to meet with any good results, winds and waves were against it.

"That is all very well," replied Gadifer, "but there is one point on which I do not feel at all satisfied, and that is that you have done homage to the King of Castille for these islands, and so you call yourself absolute master over them."

The governor was not well pleased at this news, for he thought that he ought to have had his share in the islands; but he concealed his displeasure, and gave the new comers a hearty welcome. The arms were at once disembarked, and then Gadifer went on board the vessel to explore the neighbouring islands.