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Fyshe he had met already that afternoon at the Palaver, and he called him "Fyshe" as if he had known him forever; and indeed, after a few minutes he called the rector of St. Asaph's simply "Furlong," for he had been familiar with the Anglican clergy in so many parts of the world that he knew that to attribute any peculiar godliness to them, socially, was the worst possible taste.

'For no one can doubt you plagued your father; I was out of my teens, fortunately, before you played écarté. 'Come, good old Fyshe, said Count Mirabel, 'take a glass of claret, and do not look so fierce. You know very well that Charley learned everything of you. 'He never learned from me to spend a fortune upon an actress, said his lordship.

Not even when the head waiter, shaking with apprehension, appeared with cocktails made by himself, in glasses that he himself had had to wipe, did Mr. Fyshe, absorbed in the easy urbanity of the Duke, notice that anything was amiss. Neither did his guests. For Dr.

Fyshe spoke might indeed have been seen at that moment at a further table of the lunch room eating a solitary meal, an oldish man with a great frame suggesting broken strength, with a white beard and with falling under-eyelids that made him look as if he were just about to cry.

Tomlinson, tell me what all that means? Would you believe it, the fellow looked me right in the face in that queer way he has and he said, 'I don't know!" "He said he didn't know!" repeated the listener, in a tone of amazement and respect. "By Jove! eh? he said he didn't know! The man's a wizard!" "And he looked as if he didn't!" went on Mr. Fyshe. "That's the deuce of it.

Asaph's were being put together, it was fully expected that some important development would follow. It was not accurately known from which of the assembled heads first proceeded the great idea which was presently to solve the difficulties of the church. It may well have come from that of Mr. Lucullus Fyshe.

This, I believe, happens every day in Scotland where, of course, there is great eagerness to remain pure in doctrine." "And what do you define as pure doctrine?" asked Mr. Fyshe. "If the trustees are in dispute," said Mr. Skinyer, "the courts decide, but any doctrine is held to be a pure doctrine if all the trustees regard it as a pure doctrine." "I see," said Mr.

Asaph's went through the process known as 'approaching' the trustees of St. Osoph's. First of all, for example, Mr. Lucullus Fyshe invited Mr. Asmodeus Boulder of St. Osoph's to lunch with him at the Mausoleum Club; the cost of the lunch, as is usual in such cases, was charged to the general expense account of the church.

I represent fifty thousand women voters of this city " "We want to help, we women. You know we've any amount of initiative, if you'll only tell us what to do. You know, Mr. Fyshe, we've just as good executive ability as you men, if you'll just tell us what to do. Couldn't we hold a meeting of our own, all our own, to help the league along?" "An excellent idea," said Mr. Fyshe.

But in New York, amid piles of masonry and roaring street-traffic and glittering lunches and palatial residences one simply couldn't do it. Herein lay the truth about the Duke of Dulham's visit and the error of Mr. Lucullus Fyshe. Mr. Fyshe was thinking that the Duke had come to lend money. In reality he had come to borrow it.