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Many complained that the peasants showed themselves greedy and obstinate, stole wood from the forest, allowed their cattle to wander on the proprietor's fields, failed to fulfil their legal obligations, and broke their voluntary engagements. At the same time the fears of an agrarian rising subsided, so that even the timid were tranquillised.

He demanded a promise, solemn and irrevocable, to be his. Such a promise, I answered, was unnecessary; and, if at all, could only be given conditionally There were no conditions to which he was not ready to subscribe I replied, too much readiness denoted too little reflection; and not fortitude sufficient to fulfil such conditions.

They show how completely Marcus had triumphed over all petty malignity, and how earnestly he strove to fulfil his own precept of always keeping the thoughts so sweet and clear, that "if any one should suddenly ask, 'What hast thou now in thy thoughts? with perfect openness thou mightest immediately answer, 'This or That," In short, to give them their highest praise, they would have delighted the great Christian Apostle who wrote,

I said, aloud, looking up from my letter. Ah! There was the difference between Schuyler, who picked his man, told him what he desired, and left him to fulfil it, and Gates, who chose a man, flung his inexperience into his face, and bade him twirl his thumbs and sit idle until headquarters could teach him how to do what he had been chosen to do, presumably upon his ability to do it!

If you can show that you had previously been free for a certain length of time, we will fulfil the other side of the contract. If not, we repudiate it Help yourselves, if you can. He is incapable of making a contract No man is bound by a contract made with him.

And if he did talk nonsense, it was accepted as words of wisdom because of the important and high position which he occupied. Only in the morning, just at the time Nekhludoff came to see him, he was like a reasonable being, could understand what was said to him, and fulfil more or less aptly a proverb he was fond of repeating: "He's tipsy, but he's wise, so he's pleasant in two ways."

"O father, fear nothing," said Henri d'Effiat; "your pupil will never strike such blows. Those I prepare will be heard from afar, and the broad day will light them up; but there remains a duty a sacred duty for me to fulfil. Behold your son sacrifice himself before you! Alas! I have not lived long in the sight of happiness, and I am about, perhaps, to destroy it by your hand, that consecrated it."

Eratus had told the poet of these promises made in Olympus. Pallas and Venus, one as the friend of Cæsar and Spain, the other as the patron of Italy, unwilling that strangers should rule over the descendants of the Trojans, had complained to Jupiter of his failure to fulfil his promise to give Italy a great king who would be likewise her savior.

His duty now, according to the fatal drawing of lots, was that he should kill the King; and he had declared himself ready to fulfil the task by killing himself! But as he was their comrade they were bound in honour to guard his life!

A kind word spoken a little thing to smooth the way of one, or lighten the load of another teaching those who need teaching entreating those who are walking in the wrong way. Oh! my child, there is work enough! 'To serve the present age, My calling to fulfil; Oh, may it all my powers engage To do my Maker's will!