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That night they had stopped at the ruins of Buffalo, where they had camped in the open, and where next morning Stern had fully replenished his fuel-tanks with the usual supplies of alcohol from the debris of two or three large drug-stores.

Other shouts echoed thinly in the rarefied, high air. The climber laughed with savage mockery. "I've done for you!" he howled exultantly. "Fuel-tanks afire you'll all go to Hell blazing when they explode! But first I'll get the boss pirate of the outfit "

While the mechanicians were grooming this one, and replenishing the fuel-tanks, Drew and I examined it line by line, talking in low tones which seemed fitting in so splendid a presence. We climbed the step and looked down into the compact little car, where the pilot sat in a luxuriously upholstered seat.

Every building in the fleet's home area, the sunken fuel-tanks, the giant rolling gantries every bit of ground equipment for the servicing of the fleet was methodically and carefully being blown to bits. The fleet was not expected back. The ships rose above the atmosphere, and rose still higher, and the planet Kandar became a gigantic ball which filled an enormous part of the firmament.

The transport's fuel-tanks were topped. The remaining two children struggled into flying garments. The boy Hod took down the small tripod with its spinning thing on top. Instantly the area about the base main building became bitter cold. The children climbed into the transport after Gail. Soames, swearing, climbed in after a still expostulating Captain Moggs.

Many long hours had passed since, his fuel-tanks replenished from the apparatus for distilling the crude naphtha, which he had installed during his first stay in the Abyss, he had risen a second time into that heavy, humid, purple-vapored air. With him he now bore Bremilu, the strong, and Zangamon, most expert of all the fishermen.