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"Oh, don't be so absent-minded!" snapped Mrs Peagrim, not unjustifiably annoyed. "I am trying to compose a paragraph for the papers about our party tonight, and I can't get the right phrase . . . Read what you've written, Miss Frisby." Miss Frisby, having turned a pale eye on the pothooks and twiddleys in her note-book, translated them in a pale voice.

But the best things are but fleeting, for, when she glanced at my face, and saw who I was, she gave a little cry, broke from my arms, and vanished in confusion up the stairway, followed by the merry laughter of the real uncle, not the proxy. "You surely cannot object to that welcome, Frisby; but I must tell Mistress Jean to be more careful, or the army will lose a promising officer.

"Lieutenant Frisby," said Captain Brooke, as he advanced and bowed, "it is my painful duty to deliver you this challenge." "It is a pleasure to receive it from your hands," I replied, returning his courtesy. "Lieutenant Ringgold and Harry Gresham of Kent will act as my seconds, permit me to refer you to them."

'Do they? he asked. "I moved with a certain impatience. "'Bills, said Frisby, 'give spice an' variety to nature. They break the monotony of the everlastin' green and what-you-may-call-its. "I glared at him. "'Bills, he continued, 'are not easy to stick, lemme tell you, sir.

Otie, what is a good phrase for 'I am told'?" Mr Pilkington forced his wandering attention to grapple with the problem. "'I hear'," he suggested at length. "Tchah!" ejaculated his aunt. Then her face brightened. "I have it. Take dictation, please, Miss Frisby.

Papa has engaged him to come down here for two weeks, and I dread it, said the girl. "What Professor Holroyd might want of Frisby I had not the faintest notion. I suppose Miss Holroyd noticed the bewilderment in my face, for she laughed and nodded her head twice. "'Not only Mr. Frisby, but Captain McPeek also, she said.

What will your uncle, Captain Nicholson, say when he finds he has such a fiery little Tory in his house? He will have to give up chasing the redcoats to suppress the Goddess of Sedition in his own camp." But at this Mistress Jean gave her head a toss and walked away to the end of the porch. Then John Cotton brought the horse to the steps. "Are you going so soon, Mr. Frisby?"

I, James Frisby of Fairlee, in the county of Kent, on the eastern shore of what was known in my youth as the fair Province of Maryland, but now the proud State of that name, growing old in years, but hearty and hale withal, though the blood courses not through my veins as in the days of my youth, sit on the great porch of Fairlee watching the sails on the distant bay, where its gleaming waters meet the mouth of the creek that runs at the foot of Fairlee.

Gant had come direct from Frisby, the little village near Chester where he had left the body of Phillips. It is obvious, therefore, that Gant had the papers with him when he joined Jocelyn Thew. They travelled to London together but parted at Euston, Gant going to a cheap hotel in the vicinity of Regent Street, whilst Thew drove to the Savoy.

"'Can't you comprehend that you have ruined our pleasure in the landscape? I asked, more mildly. "'I've got some green bills, said Frisby; 'I kin stick 'em over the yeller ones "'Confound it, said I, 'it isn't the color! "'Then, observed Frisby, 'you don't like them pills. I've got some bills of the "Cropper Automobile" and a few of "Bagley, the Gents' Tailor"