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Painted originally for the chère amie of Louis the Fifteenth, they are known as the Du Barry Panels, despite the fact that the fair lady did not find them quite satisfactory and the artist placed them in his own home on the shores of the Mediterranean. But before the Frick residence is reached there are the houses of Harry Payne Whitney at the north-east corner of Sixty-eighth Street, Mrs.

A special incident gave plausibility to some of their bitter criticism. Messrs. Gary and Frick, of the United States Steel Corporation, called on the President, and told him that the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company was on the verge of bankruptcy, and that, if it went under, a general panic would probably ensue.

This diminished capacity for respiration is clearly shown by the use of the spirometer, a simple instrument which accurately records the cubic measure of the lungs, and proves beyond denial the decrease of the lung space. "Most familiar and most dangerous is the drinking man's inability to resist lung diseases." Dr. Adoph Frick, the eminent German physiologist of Zurich.

Sterling. And she looked at him in such a way, that Jack although he had wild thoughts of taking a flying leap out of his chair, and off to the small grocery shop, nevertheless stuck to it manfully and at last found his tongue. "We might cut out pictures that spell the names of books," he said. "Capital!" said Mrs. Sterling. "Well, those are puzzles," said Frick.

"Oh, that's mean," began Curtis, then he remembered where he was, and sat back in his chair, biting his pencil. Frick straightened himself up with enjoyment "You can take my pencil," he said to Jack magnanimously; "we all brought 'em, you know, she wanted us to." Joel caught the last of this. "Oh, dear me!" he exclaimed, in remorse, "I forgot mine; and, Jack, I was going to bring one for you."

So you fell upon him because he asked you to go somewhere, eh?" with a keen glance into the black eyes. "No, sir." said Joel, "but he wouldn't go away, and I told him if he didn't, I'd come out and pound him. So I had to." "Um now let us see," said the old gentleman, reflecting a bit. "So you kept on at the door, eh, Frick?" "Yes, sir," said Frick, giving up his countenance as a bad job.

Sterling, and, glancing around after he had poked a plate of cold chicken and jelly into Jack's hand, he saw two or three of the boys Frick and even little Porter Knapp vying with each other to be the first to serve their hostess. "Ugh!" cried Joel, seizing the first thing on the table that caught his eye. It proved to be the salt-cellar, and he rushed up and presented it with a flourish.

"Father," he cried, his face glowing, "I've come home as soon as it slacked up a bit. Why, you are not going out?" seeing the old gentleman beginning to don his mackintosh. "Yes, I am," said Mr. King grimly, "going to do just that very thing, Jasper." "Oh, let me, Father." Jasper sprang to his side eagerly, then looked in a puzzled way over to Frick.

Frick and Gary had proposed, and exactly what I had answered so that there might be no possibility of misunderstanding. This note was published in a Senate Document while I was still President. My dear Mr. Attorney-General: Judge E. H. Gary and Mr. H. C. Frick, on behalf of the Steel Corporation, have just called upon me.

Frick, and all the other atheists of the stripe that think so well of themselves that they are quite willing to overthrow the grand old institutions that our forefathers founded on the Constitution; and they want to set up instead oh, they're quite willing to tell us how to run the government!