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As the Buford waded into the swell, wave after wave dashed over the forward deck, drenching a few miserable soldiers there, who preferred to soak and freeze rather than to go inside and be seasick. Sometimes the spray leaped hissing up on the promenade deck, and our weather side was dripping, as I found when I went over there.

Sometimes he chuckled and nodded, anon he scowled, and more than once he rapped his bootleg soundly with the whip. "The little rascal!" he said at last. "And he could have stayed with us, hived up as us'al in the winter with only the critters to nuss and tend, and been sure of his three squares. "What does he rather do, but work and slave, and almost freeze and starve jest to git what, I ax ye?"

He constantly feels the moral force of her influence, and recounts in the following lines from the Norton translation her noble influence on others: "...for when she goes her way Love casts a blight upon all caitiff hearts, So that their every thought doth freeze and perish. And who can bear to stay on her to look, Will noble thing become or else will die.

"Come!" he cried; "come, you can't stop here. It's dangerous. Come, you'll freeze or worse." She was silent. She made no effort to rise or indeed to move. He began to press by her and on in the direction of that safe spur.

You must keep away from this cook-house or you'll poison the whole camp." "Where can we go, doctor? The bunk-house would freeze you and the stink of it would make a well man sick." "And is there no place else?" "No. Unless it's the stables," said another man; "they're not quite so bad." "Well, sit here just now. We'll see about it. But first let me give you something."

We were standing up to our waists in liquid mud by day, into which we would freeze at night. I have gone along the trench and kicked and punched my boys into sensibility, and said: "Is there anything I can do for you, boys? Can't I get you anything?" "Oh, no sir. We're all right, but don't we envy old Nick and his imps to-night!"

Winter was fast coming on a Russian winter, in all its bitter severity. The snow began to fall, the rivers to freeze, and crows and other birds died by hundreds. God had sent His frost, and of the 400,000 enemies who had entered Russia, but very few lived to behold again their native land.

The winter fell early upon the mountain wilderness; the lake would freeze over, and the roads block up with snow, and after that they would live upon what they had raised in the summer, with what Dan and Adam Samuel's half- brothers might bring in from the chase. But now all this was changed and forgotten; for there was a hotel at the end of the lake, and money was free in the country.

When the beans were finally cooked, Daylight ran part of them into a bag of flour-sacking a foot and a half long and three inches in diameter. This he then laid on the snow to freeze. The remainder of the beans were left in the pot for breakfast. It was past nine o'clock, and they were ready for bed.

And mind," he continued, while there came over his face a vengeful look which Brandon had never seen there before "mind, if ever you see John Potts, give him one of those patent cartridges, and tell him it is the last gift of a broken-hearted father." Brandon's face turned ghastly, and his lips seemed to freeze into a smile of deadly meaning.