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The goals of this Administration's policy in space science have been to: continue a vigorous program of planetary exploration to understand the origin and evolution of the solar system; utilize the space telescope and free-flying satellites to usher in a new era of astronomy; develop a better understanding of the sun and its interaction with the terrestrial environment; and utilize the Shuttle and Spacelab to conduct basic research that complements earth-based life science investigations.

The goals of this Administration's policy in space science have been to: continue a vigorous program of planetary exploration to understand the origin and evolution of the solar system; utilize the space telescope and free-flying satellites to usher in a new era of astronomy; develop a better understanding of the sun and its interaction with the terrestrial environment; and utilize the Shuttle and Spacelab to conduct basic research that complements earth-based life science investigations.

All these forms are highly domesticable, and if for any reason they had proved permanently attractive to men they would doubtless have been brought into the state of willing captives. Although some of the free-flying or tree birds have been kept for their beauty alone, the greater part of them have commended themselves to man because of their voices.

Although many of the free-flying birds of the land are or have been kept captive because of the pleasure which men have found from their songs, their grace, or their quaint ways, only one of these has really been gained to domestication. In the pigeon, man has made what is on many accounts the most remarkable of all his conquests over the wild nature about him.

Although the pigeon is the only free-flying form which has been won to intimate relations with man, there are numerous other species of these volant creatures which have been reduced to partial domestication, though they cannot be trusted to abide with us without being more or less completely caged.