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Salvete, VIRI, artis medicae magister; Salvete amici; salvete fratres! It is my appointed task, my honorable privilege, this evening, to speak of what has been done by others. No one can bring his tribute of words into the presence of great deeds, or try with them to embellish the memory of any inspiring achievement, without feeling and leaving with others a sense of their insufficiency.

This poem so enraged the monks that they seized him and imprisoned him in one of their monasteries. One night, while his guards slept, he contrived to escape by a window, and underwent great perils. He published two other severe satirical poems on the Franciscans, entitled Fratres Fraterrimi and Franciscanus.

Very near this time, when Xavier was saying mass, turning to the people to say the Orate Fratres, he added, "pray also for John Araus, who is newly dead at Amboyna."

"Once again then, my dear fellow, courage. As soon as I have a few days to dispose of after Easter, I will hurry to you. "Have patience then till then. Vos enim ad libertatem vocati estis, fratres, said St. Paul to the Galatians. I say so to you. "I embrace you tenderly, "Your spiritual Father "Curé of St. Nicholas."

Fratres charissimi, the time is short;’ but who love earth and life and riches and pleasure better than they? You are all of you as fond of the world, as set upon gain, as chary of reputation, as ambitious of power, as the jolly old heathen, who, you say, is going the way of the pit.” “It is one thing to have a conscience,” answered Agellius; “another thing to act upon it.

Thus, or words to that effect, saith Zarathustra, sometime regius professor of French letters to the university of Oxtail nor breathed there ever that man to whom mankind was more beholden. Bring a stranger within thy tower it will go hard but thou wilt have the secondbest bed. Orate, fratres, pro memetipso. And all the people shall say, Amen.

"Her most chaste and fair body was buried in the evening of the day of her death, in the convent of the Fratres Minores; but her soul, as Seneca saith of the soul of Africanus, hath returned, I am persuaded, to the heaven from whence it came.

The multitude was hushed the grotesque of the subscription list had passed away and was forgotten, and that same man and that same multitude stood in altered relations they were again a reverent flock, and he once more a solemn pastor; the natural play of his nation's mirthful sarcasm was absorbed in a moment in the sacredness of his office; and with a solemnity befitting the highest occasion, he placed his hands together before his breast, and raising his eyes to Heaven he poured forth his sweet voice, with a tone of the deepest devotion, in that reverential call to prayer, "Orate, fratres."

I said to his brother, "Why is your brother's soul still dark against me? It is I who ought to be angry and unforgiving: for I was in the wrong." If you have never committed a worse, my good sir, surely the score against you will not be heavy. Ha, dilectissimi fratres!

Then he would turn to the altar, and proceed with the service, till turning again to the congregation he perceived some fresh offender. "Orate, fratres! will you mind what I say to you and go along out of that? there's room below there. Thrue for you, Mrs. Finn it's a shame for him to be thramplin' on you.