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At twilight, Ramsey was walking meditatively on his way to dinner at the "frat house," across the campus from his apartment at Mrs. Meig's. Everybody was quiet now, both town and gown; the students were at their dinners and so were the burghers. Ramsey was late but did not quicken his thoughtful steps, which were those of one lost in reverie.

There was a bitter Sunday, and its bitterness went everywhere, to every place in the whole world that held high and generous hearts. Its bitterness came to the special meeting in the "Frat hall," where there were hearts, indeed, of that right sort, and one of them became vocal in its bitterness.

I also bought a key ring for Tom, feeling that he should have somthing of mine, a token, in exchange for the Frat pin. I shall pass over lightly the following week, during which the Familey was packing for the country and all the servants were in a bad humer. In the mornings I took lessons driving the car, which I called the Arab, from the well-known song, which we have on the phonograph;

In the Lule dialect I find fo, water; foyavolto, a river; foysi, a lake; as in Persian, ab is water; abi frat, the river Euphrates; abdan, a lake. Must we admit that llamas, which were used in the Andes to draw the plough and as beasts of burden, but not for riding, were already common on the north and east of Quito?

I say, you chaps, Duncan and I haven't met for years not since he graduated. We belonged to the same frat, y'know, and had a jolly time of it, if he was an upper-class man. No side about him at all, y'know absolutely none whatever. Whenever I had to go out on a spree, I'd always get Nat to show me round." "I was pretty good at that," Duncan admitted a trifle ruefully.

"You'd better go and see Jennie!" advised a genial young senior, who, for all his youth, was entirely bald. "Jennie, who's Jennie?" I asked, curious. "Our frat woman!" answered Travers casually. "Frat woman?" I was groping for further information, puzzled.

This irratated me, although glad they are small. So I bought him a gardenia to wear from a flour-seller, but as the flour-seller refused a check, he had to pay for it. In exchange he gave me his Frat pin to wear. "You know what that means, don't you, Bab?" he said, in a low and thriling tone. "It means, if you wear it, that you are my well, you're my girl."

And so I thought with men like that back of it that frat was a pretty good thing to tie up to, and I joined it, and found it was even better than I expected. "And I was thinking as I looked at the blackboard, and heard you talking about the Great Companion, it was something like that man.

They emerged from the part of the small town closely built about the university and came out upon a bit of parked land overlooking the river; and here Dora's steps slowed to an indeterminate halt near a bench beneath a maple tree. "I think I'll stay here a while," she said; and as he made no response, she asked, "Hadn't you better be going back to your 'frat house' for your dinner?

Competition was getting mighty scarce in the country even then. There were understandings between railroad magnates and beef kings and biscuit makers and even the ministers had a scale of wedding fees. But competition had a happy home on our campus. About the best we had been able to do had been to agree not to burn down each other's frat houses while we were haltering the Freshmen.