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Soon the houses began to come more frequently, then came the streets with their long avenues of yellow lights, and within the hour they were rolling smoothly over the wooden pavements. "Piccadilly," said Acton. "Drop us at the top of Whitehall, will you? Then you can take the horse to the mews. Be ready for us outside Frascati's by twelve. Understand?" "Yes, sir, at Frascati's by twelve!

But all this is promiscuous, and not to the purpose. If, to continue on the subject of hotel choosing, if you love quiet, heavy bills, and the best table-d'hote in the city, go, O stranger! to the "Hotel des Princes;" it is close to the Boulevard, and convenient for Frascati's. The "Hotel Mirabeau" possesses scarcely less attraction; but of this you will find, in Mr.

"For Heaven's sake," said I to my friend, "let us go somewhere where we can see a little genuine, blackguard, poverty-stricken gaming with no false gingerbread glitter thrown over it all. Let us get away from fashionable Frascati's, to a house where they don't mind letting in a man with a ragged coat, or a man with no coat, ragged or otherwise."

The Captain's stories had a great and unfortunate charm for Arthur, who was never tired of hearing Bloundell's histories of garrison conquests, and of his feats in country-quarters. He had been at Paris, and had plenty of legends about the Palais Royal, and the Salon, and Frascati's.

I shall be the Comte de Rubempre; I will make my fortune, and you shall be my wife." "What nonsense!" said Coralie, looking at him with wan eyes. "Nonsense!" repeated he. "Very well, wait a few days, and you shall live in a fine house, you shall have a carriage, and I will write a part for you!" He took two thousand francs and hurried to Frascati's.

I shall be the Comte de Rubempre; I will make my fortune, and you shall be my wife." "What nonsense!" said Coralie, looking at him with wan eyes. "Nonsense!" repeated he. "Very well, wait a few days, and you shall live in a fine house, you shall have a carriage, and I will write a part for you!" He took two thousand francs and hurried to Frascati's.

My friend proposed a visit to Frascati's; but his suggestion was not to my taste. I knew Frascati's, as the French saying is, by heart; had lost and won plenty of five-franc pieces there, merely for amusement's sake, until it was amusement no longer, and was thoroughly tired, in fact, of all the ghastly respectabilities of such a social anomaly as a respectable gambling-house.

Worse still, the guardian was supposed to be staying at the Oriental Club in Hanover Square, and my brother's flat was in Oxford Street! However, we didn't meet. F and I neither of us knew London, and had the time of our lives. We dined at Frascati's a palace of splendour in our eyes and went to His Majesty's to see Beerbohm Tree in Ulysses. When it came to Hades, we held each other's hands!

As instead of a hundred wax-lights you now have one jet of gas, so instead of a hundred hells you have now one Bourse, and it is exceedingly convenient; always at hand; no discredit being seen there as it was to be seen at Frascati's; on the contrary, at once respectable, and yet the mode."

Perhaps all this might have happened if it had not been for cards and roulette and the perpetual desire of increasing their capital for the worthy couple fell into the hands of a talented company, whose agents robbed them at Frascati's in Paris, and again in Hamburg and various health resorts, so that hardly a year had passed when Bodlevski one fine night woke up to the fact that they no longer possessed a ruble.