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But I argue, second, that we must have been observed at Franchard itself by some occult observer, and dogged throughout the day with a skill and patience that I venture to qualify as consummate. No ordinary man, no occasional criminal, would have shown himself capable of this combination.

'The Treasure of Franchard, cried the Doctor; and, throwing his brown straw hat upon the ground, he whooped like an Indian and sprang upon Jean- Marie, whom he suffocated with embraces and bedewed with tears. Then he flung himself down among the heather and once more laughed until the valley rang. But the boy had now an interest of his own, a boy's interest.

'O, for a live coal, a heifer, and a jar of country wine! I am in the vein for sacrifice, for a superb libation. Well, and why not? We are at Franchard. English pale ale is to be had not classical, indeed, but excellent. Boy, we shall drink ale. 'But I thought it was so unwholesome, said Jean-Marie, 'and very dear besides. 'Fiddle-de-dee! exclaimed the Doctor gaily. 'To the inn!

Thirdly, I observe that nothing has been removed except the Franchard dishes and the casket; our own silver has been minutely respected. This is wily; it shows intelligence, a knowledge of the code, a desire to avoid legal consequences. I argue from this fact that the gang numbers persons of respectability outward, of course, and merely outward, as the robbery proves.

They were bound for Franchard, to collect plants, with an eye to the "Comparative Pharmacopoeia." A little rattling on the open roads, and they came to the borders of the forest and struck into an unfrequented track; the noddy yawed softly over the sand, with an accompaniment of snapping twigs. There was a great, green, softly murmuring cloud of congregated foliage overhead.

Imagine the men looking one to another; imagine how their hearts bounded, how their colour came and went. It was a coffer, and in Franchard, the place of buried treasure! They tore it open like famished beasts. Alas! it was not the treasure; only some priestly robes, which, at the touch of the eating air, fell upon themselves and instantly wasted into dust.

Treasure Island is a piece of astounding ingenuity, in which the manner is taken from Robinson Crusoe, and the plot belongs to the era of the detective story. The Treasure of Franchard is a French farce or light comedy of bourgeois life, of a type already a little old-fashioned, but perfectly authentic.

The noddy jigged along; the trees went by, looking on silently, as if they had something on their minds. The Quadrilateral was passed; then came Franchard. They put up the horse at the little solitary inn, and went forth strolling. The gorge was dyed deeply with heather; the rocks and birches standing luminous in the sun.

Franchard was at length destroyed in the English wars, the same that levelled Gretz. These vessels were of monstrous value, Jean-Marie monstrous value priceless, we may say; exquisitely worked, of exquisite material. And now, mark me, they have never been found. In the reign of Louis Quatorze some fellows were digging hard by the ruins. Suddenly tock! the spade hit upon an obstacle.

"No, I'm not as English as that nor as Morristown. Cloke says all the farms here could be made to pay." "Well, I'm Anastasia in the 'Treasure of Franchard. I'm content to be alive and purr. There's no hurry." "No." He smiled. "All the same, I'm going to see after my mail." "You promised you wouldn't have any." "There's some business coming through that's amusing me. Honest.