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In the West Indies, France at this time obtained a decided preponderance over England; the value of the French half of Hayti was alone equal to that of all the English West Indies, and French coffee and sugar were driving those of England out of European markets. A like advantage over England in the Mediterranean and Levant trade is asserted by French historians.

"I mention these things to show that the circumstances of our allies, as well as our own, call for peace, to obtain which we must make one great effort this campaign. The present instance of the friendship of the court of France, is attended with every circumstance that can render it important and agreeable, that can interest our gratitude or fire our emulation.

In 1872 M. Bracquemond was esteemed the first ceramic artist in France. An eminent French critic said of M. and Mme. Bracquemond: "You cannot praise too highly these two artists, who are as agreeable and as clever as they are talented and esteemed." Mme. Bracquemond had the faculty of employing the faience colors so well that she produced a clearness and richness not attained by other artists.

Others might seem by name to be weightier than he in leadership, but in fact he composed quarrels and compelled unity by his wisdom, and, in moments of peril, what he thought prevailed. When his leadership was known, France and the Rhine country gave him of their best in treasure, of men, arms, and money.

Flying rumors of some such proposal on the part of France had reached the Colony, with wild reports arising out of the endless chaffering between the negotiators for peace, who had already assembled at Aix la Chapelle.

Setting aside the Austrian universities, which are no longer what they were formerly, the teaching in these higher schools, whatever the State restrictions may be, is eminently free, freer than in France, freer than in England, in many respects even, however it may sound, freer than in the United States.

It is not easy to tell what they would do without these bountiful chestnut-harvests, for their principal article of food is a thick porridge called polenta, which they make from the ground nuts. In France a kind of cake is made from the same material, and the chestnuts are prepared by drying them in smoke.

Then Mary fell back upon her bed, pale as death, murmuring yet once again "Adieu, France! I shall see thee no more." Indeed, the happiest years of her life had just passed away in this France that she so much regretted.

But had the Jesuits advocated but a single principle of human freedom, France might have been mistress of America to-day.

At last victory came thanks to the generous assistance of France, to the heroism of leaders like Lafayette, Baron Steuben, and hosts of others, who gave us their fortunes and hazarded their lives for America, the war was ended by the surrender of Lord Cornwallis. Victor Hugo said, "Napoleon was not defeated at Waterloo by the allied forces. It was God who conquered him."