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But in that single instant an abyss had been opened in the depths of his own consciousness, an abyss into which he looked with amazement and dread at the strange foolhardiness which had involuntarily led him to its brink, and he now drew back from it, nervously shuddering.

MORTIMER. And you too scrupulous in honor's cause. LEICESTER. I see the trammels that are spread around us. MORTIMER. And I feel courage to break through them all. LEICESTER. Foolhardiness and madness, is this courage? MORTIMER. This prudence is not bravery, my lord. LEICESTER. You surely wish to end like Babington. MORTIMER. You not to imitate great Norfolk's virtue.

Did not the penniless adventurer, whose keen eyesight and wise recklessness were passing for hallucination and foolhardiness in the eyes of his contemporaries, understand the game he was playing better than did that profound thinker, that mysterious but infallible politician, who sat in the Escorial and made the world tremble at every hint of his lips, every stroke of his pen?

This has been spoken of as an evidence of bravery; but, regarded in this light, it was only superfluous evidence of a fact which no one ever doubted; it really deserves better to be called foolhardiness, as Captain Penrose, who was one of the party, frankly described it in his Diary.

The manner of the girl was significant when she asked who Rome was, and the miller knew but one reason possible for his foolhardiness that morning. "Do you mean to say she have been over hyeh afore?" "Why, yes, come to think about it, three or four times while Isom was sick, and whut she come fer I can't make out.

By chance and her own foolhardiness this had come about, yet she was fortunate to have it tend to some good beyond her own happiness. All she would suffer from her perilous climb would be aching bones, and, perhaps, a scolding from her father. What she might gain was more than she had dared hope. The breaking up of the horse-thief gang would be a boon to the harassed settlement.

Happy the Army in which an untimely boldness frequently manifests itself; it is an exuberant growth which shows a rich soil. Even foolhardiness, that is boldness without an object, is not to be despised; in point of fact it is the same energy of feeling, only exercised as a kind of passion without any co-operation of the intelligent faculties.

He was writing history, and no milk-and-water euphemism could have expressed Cambronne's defiance and contempt. Of course John Bull pitilessly shot to death that heroic fragment of the Old Guard, which forgot in its supreme hour that while foolhardiness may be magnificent, it is not war.

The architect, Winzer, was most cordial of all. His words, "I approve of such foolhardiness, Herr Ebers," echoed in my ears long afterwards. A beam had fallen on my head, but my thick hair had broken the force of the blow, and the wound in a few days began to heal.

As to my friend Webster, adorned with a black eye, he never ceased, during the remainder of the voyage, to declaim against Chubb's foolhardiness and uphold his own proceedings on the eventful night. For his own discomfiture he sought consolation in rum, protesting that it was a miracle that any of us had survived to taste another drop of that liquid comforter.