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I briefly related the manner in which I had been received by the commissioner, and the discovery that Steel Spring had made. "And when does that long-limbed wretch propose to identify Follet's companion, so that we can get hold of him?" Mr. Brown inquired. "To-night," I answered; "I intended to find you in the course of the day, and get you to accompany us on the expedition."

Brown, carelessly; "I have a greater desire to see justice executed on men of your stamp than to attempt to compromise matters. Come with me." He passed his arm through Follet's, and beckoned Mike to do likewise; but before the trio had taken three steps towards the door the forger's heart began to soften. "Am I to be locked up?" he demanded. "Ay, in the darkest cell in the prison," returned Mr.

Before Follet's last smoke-puff had quite slid through the open window, Madame Maür, who was perpetually in mourning, literally darkened my doorway. Seeing Follet she became nervous he did affect women, as I have said. What with her squint and her smile, she made a spectacle of herself before she panted out her staccato statement.

"We must set the police at work to find Follet's accomplice; and I will not leave a stone unturned on 'Gravel Pit Hill, but I will discover him if in Ballarat" "And is there any way that we can assist you?" I asked. The inspector thought for a few moments before he replied.

"Does any one know?" "An old inhabitant can guess. But why she should be afraid of him even the old inhabitant doesn't know. There's Dubois; but you might as well shriek at a corpse as ask Dubois anything." "You don't think that I'd better go over and make sure that Ching Po isn't annoying her?" Follet's lips drew back over his teeth in his peculiar smile.

"There are other ways besides words in which a man can certify his good will." I understood his meaning, but instead of returning an answer I managed to empty his so-called wine upon the floor, and then took my leave, after first hinting that we were on the track of Follet's companion.

As she concluded she extended her hand to Katherine, who grasped it cordially, amid enthusiastic clapping by the entire audience. It was some minutes before order could be restored, when the business was transacted and Miss Follet's proposal to give a spread in Miss Minturn's honor, two weeks from that night, received a most hearty and unanimous vote.

Take my word for it, in less than a fortnight we shall have the true account of the attempted assassination, and if Follet's companion does not leave the town, we will nab him, and 'pinch' him severely. Write to the lieutenant at once, and don't fail to tell him that your reputation, and perhaps life, depends upon the loan of Steel Spring."

A little Norman sailing vessel was moored two evenings after in a lonely creek on the coast, and into it stepped M. de Ribaumont, with his Bible, Marot's Psalter, and Calvin's works, Beranger still tenderly kissing a lock of Follet's mane, and Madame mourning for the pearls, which her husband deemed too sacred an heirloom to carry away to a foreign land.

In case of his discovering Follet's companion in the attempted assassination, he was to let us know, so that the fellow's arrest could take place immediately; and while we agreed to find money for his expenses, we promised a handsome gratuity in case he was successful.