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The fly-book was soon opened, and Mr. C scrutinized tackle and flies with the attention of an angler. "This is too yellow," he said of one fly, removing it from the book, and placing it on the table for observation. "Here here's too much red and blue," of another; "there are no flies of that colour in Sweden, or Norway; and all this green on the belly is rubbish, no fish will take that.

Hence follows many a failure at the stream-side; because the "Caperer," or "Dun," or "Yellow Sally," which is produced from the fly-book, though, possibly, like the brood which came out three years since on some stream a hundred miles away, is quite unlike the brood which is out to-day on one's own river. The natural history of these flies, I understand from Mr.

Our craft was soon beached at the mouth of the small river and we walked up the bank by the side of the brawling water. When we reached the first pool we sat down on the rocks while I moistened a long leader and opened my fly-book. "I think we will begin with a Jock Scott," I proposed. "No, let us try a Silver Doctor," she urged me. "It seems best adapted to present company.

"It was my first trip into the mountains, I remember," said Rutlidge, easily. "I met you at Brian Oakley's home." Without replying, she turned to Aaron King appealingly. "I I left my gloves and fly-book. I was going fishing and called to get them." The artist gave her the articles with a word of regret for having so carelessly forgotten to return them to her.

If you were not as lazy as possible, friend Frank, you would bring your fly-book out, when the light comes, and tie some hackles." "Perhaps I may, when the light comes," Forester answered; "but I'm in no hurry for it; I like of all things to look out, and watch the changes of the night over a landscape even less beautiful than this.

But decidedly fortune was kind to him to-day: for, opening the creel, he found Sir Warwick's fly-book within it, bulging with hooks and flies by the score nay, by the hundred. He unbuckled the strap and was turning the leaves to make his choice, when his ear caught the sound of footsteps, and he lifted his eyes to see Sir John Crang coming down the road. "Hullo!" hailed Sir John.

"It occurred to me while I was sitting there that perhaps you might like to see my fly-book." And I took it out. "I am sorry I did not think of it before. Just look through it, if you please; I should be only too delighted. You must all see it; there are both red and yellow flies in it." And I held my cap in my hand as I spoke.

Show me the man who catches fish; ten to one his rod is well balanced and strong, his line heavy, though tapered, and his gut well selected and stained. The fly-book stamps the fisherman even more truly than the topboot stamps the fox-hunter. Nor does the accomplished expert with the dry fly disdain with fat of deer to grease his line, nor with paraffin to dress his fly and make it float.

The two had made friends over the don's fly-book and the discovery that what the doctor did not know about Dartmoor trout was not worth knowing; hence an invitation to extend his visit over dinner.

I was already outside the door when I remembered that I had silk thread myself in my fly-book; more indeed than I wanted. And I went back slowly, discouraged to think that I had silk thread myself. A breath of something strange met me as I entered the hut again; it seemed as if I were no longer alone there.