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Johnny hurled this last at the head of an overgrown errand-boy whose intention had been to offer sympathy. "Well, I never!" commented a passing flower-girl. "Calls 'erself a lidy, I suppose." "Nowadays," observed the stud and button merchant at the corner of Exeter Street, "they make 'em out of anything." Drawn by a notion that was forming in his mind, Johnny turned his steps up Bedford Street.

"I say what I always have said," the maid replied, putting on a very serious, honest face; "the Receiver is a lazy fellow; of course he is lying behind some bush sound asleep." My blood tingled with longing to jump down and defend my reputation, when on a sudden a burst of music and loud shouts were heard from the castle. The flower-girl could stay no longer.

Mademoiselle Ermine, from the Folies Bergères, danced in the small space between the tables, and the Vicomte, buying a cluster of pink roses from the flower-girl, sent them across to her with a diamond pin in the ribbon. The Marquise rebuked him half seriously, but he only laughed. "To-night," he said, "is the end of a great adventure. We amateurs have justified our existence.

This enables her to feel for her pocket with her right hand, while waving her open parasol about with her left. She knocks an old gentleman's hat off into the gutter, and nearly blinds the flower-girl before it occurs to her to close it. This done, she leans it up against the flower-girl's basket, and sets to work in earnest with both hands.

The judges sit and retain all their old confidence; the magistrates sentence daily their batches of submissive culprits; the policeman rules supreme over the streets he scares the flower-girl, and warns the pensive burglar with the staccato thunder of his monarchical foot.

The donkey-barrow of a costermonger passed me, loaded with a bluejacket, a flower-girl, several soldiers, and a Staff captain whose spurred boots wagged joyously over the stern of the barrow. A motor cab followed, two Australian troopers on the roof of that, with a hospital nurse, her cap awry, sitting across the knees of one of them.

'Salve, Julia! said the flower-girl, arresting her steps within a few paces from the spot where Julia sat, and crossing her arms upon her breast. 'I have obeyed your commands. 'You have done well, flower-girl, answered the lady. 'Approach you may take a seat. One of the slaves placed a stool by Julia, and Nydia seated herself.

Just now I am employed to sketch a flower-girl, and in seeking for a face such as I wished to sketch from, I was struck by that of your child." "Of Ida?" "Yes, if that is her name. I will pay you five dollars for the privilege of copying it."

They were eight in number, each with her pot of glue, pincers, tools and curling stand in front of her. On the work-table lay a mass of wire, reels, cotton wool, green and brown paper, leaves and petals cut out of silk, satin or velvet. In the centre, in the neck of a large decanter, one flower-girl had thrust a little penny nosegay which had been fading on her breast since the day before.

In his perplexity he came suddenly upon the print of the "Flower-Girl." "Yes," said he, "that is Ida, plain enough. Perhaps they will know in the store where she is to be found." He at once entered the store. "Can you tell me anything about the girl that picture was taken for?" he asked, abruptly of the nearest clerk. The clerk smiled. "It is a fancy picture," he said.