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It was packed with a shrieking horde, whose drums made the day a hell, whose great banners wagged and rocked like osiers in a flood-water. They were trying to fire the citadel, and some were swarming the walls from others' backs. The square was like a whirlpool in the sea, a sea of tense faces whose waves were surging men and the flying wrack their gonfanons.

However, the pump was at work again, and the flood-water was decreasing. We climbed up to the fifth gallery again and sought a deep shaft, whereby we might descend to another part of the sixth, out of reach of the water, but suffered disappointment, as the men had gone to dinner, and there was no one to man the windlass.

"Tom, we've got to get flood-water unless we want to run into an awful job there," said Orde to the foreman. "I wonder if we can't drop that gate 'way down to get something for a head." The two men examined the chute and the sluice-gate attentively for some time.

As for poor Knox, his position was the saddest of all. For the juncture seemed to him of the highest importance; it was the nick of time, the flood-water of opportunity.

In all probability, the real change effected by human art in the superficial geography of Egypt is the conversion of pools and marshes into dry land, by a system of transverse dikes, which compelled the flood-water to deposit its sediment on the banks of the river instead of carrying it to the sea.

He thought the mouth of the Gila was below his stranded vessel, but he was mistaken in this, for it was in reality a great many miles farther up. What he took for the Gila was the main Colorado itself, and what he thought was the Colorado was only a bayou or flood-water channel. It being midsummer the river was at flood. The bayou is still called the False or Hardy's Colorado.

On the 26th of August the violent cyclonic rain-storm of which some account has been given in the last chapter broke over the Dongola province. Where he passes across branching side valleys, he takes care to leave in all his embankments large culverts to carry off flood-water.

But the dead man swung heavily in the whirl, and I feared that some branch had struck him and that he would sink. The tops of the tamarisk brushed my knees, so I knew we were come into flood-water above the crops, and, after, I let down my legs and felt bottom the ridge of a field and, after, the dead man stayed upon a knoll under a fig-tree, and I drew my body from the water rejoicing.

A number four Critchley's Fancy produced no better result. A tiny double Silver Grey brought no response. Then he looked through his fly-box in despair, and picked out an old three-nought Prince of Orange a huge, gaudy affair with battered feathers, which he had used two years before in flood-water on the Restigouche.

"You see, we're in a tremendous canon, and the bottom is filled up by this river, which seems as if it would hold any amount of flood-water. I'll be bound to say it's full of fish, and that accounts for the Indians coming here with their nets and lines." "What's to be done now?" said Brace.