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The kindness of Monsieur Lefébure enables me to give another example from Madagascar. Flacourt, describing the Malagasies, says that they squillent (a word not in Littré), that is, divine by crystals, which 'fall from heaven when it thunders, Of course the rain reveals the crystals, as it does the flint instruments called 'thunderbolts' in many countries. 'Lorsqu'ils squillent, ils ont une de ces pierres au coing de leurs tablettes, disans qu'elle

Although firm and moderate towards his countrymen, De Flacourt did not use the same self-control towards the natives; he even brought about a general revolt, as a consequence of which he was recalled. Expeditions into the interior of Madagascar were henceforth very rare, and it is not until the present day that we find a thorough exploration carried out.

In the same manner, as we are told by Flacourt,* they have been thrown upon a coast of Madagascar and are not there indigenous; as I have been also assured by a native.

It is stated, moreover, that the priest Paulmier wrote his memorial to the Pope with the object of obtaining a Christian mission to the home of his ancestors; but the Portuguese missionaries were preaching the Gospel in Madagascar almost since the first visits of their countrymen to that island, and it is self-evident that the Abbe, who was often in the company of the priests who in Paris administered the foreign missions in non-Christian countries, must have been aware of this fact; while M. de Villermon positively states that he often met Paulmier in company with M. de Flacourt who had been Governor of Madagascar where France had established itself as far back as 1642.

They build Fort Dauphin under the administration of M. de Flacourt; several unknown districts of the island are explored as well as the neighbouring islands upon the coast; the Mascarene Islands are occupied in 1649.

Distinguishing characteristics of the Seventeenth Century The more thorough exploration of regions previously discovered To the thirst for gold succeeds Apostolic zeal Italian missionaries in Congo Portuguese missionaries in Abyssinia Brue in Senegal and Flacourt in Madagascar The Apostles of India, of Indo-China, and of Japan.

Callender, however, has omitted to translate the remainder of Des Brosses' account, in which, among other facts, the important statement is made that the priest Paulmier had become personally known to M. Flaconet, who met him for the first time at the residence of the Lord Bishops of Heliopolis and Beryte, where he often met him in company with M. de Flacourt, who had commanded in Madagascar, and AI. Fernamel, father of the Superior of the Foreign Missions.

Campbell's Travels in Africa, by order of the Missionary Society. 2 vols. 8vo. Additional information may be gleaned from these travels, respecting South Africa; Campbell penetrated farthest, and discovered some populous tribes and large towns. La Trobe's is the most interesting narrative. Histoire de la Grande Isle de Madagascar. Par du Flacourt. Paris, 1661. 4to.