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While speaking, the Leather-Stocking was poising and directing his weapon. Elizabeth saw the bright, polished tines, as they slowly and silently entered the water, where the refraction pointed them many degrees from the true direction of the fish; and she thought that the intended victim saw them also, as he seemed to increase the play of his tail and fins, though without moving his station.

According to his philosophy, if he did have a turbot, why should he not have it with all its perfections about it fins and all? "My dear Aeneas!" said Mrs. Townsend, looking at him with that agony of domestic distress which all wives so well know how to assume. Mr. Carter said nothing. He said not a word, but he thought much.

Meanwhile, three London merchants, but unconnected with the Hudson's Bay Company, Messrs Nisbet, Grace and Bell, fitted out a vessel for the coast of Labrador, to trade in oil and whale fins, and engaged Erhardt, then at Zeist, to act as supercargo, who, on account of his knowledge of the north seas, of the trade, and of the language, they judged well qualified for that office; but they also wished to make some preparation for a missionary settlement, and four brethren, Golkowsky, Kunz, Post, and Krumm, volunteered to remain in the country to learn the language, and endeavour the conversion of the heathen; for this purpose they took with them a wooden house ready to set up, a boat, various articles of furniture, and some kitchen garden-seeds.

"I guess what Laddie has found is a skate." "But he says it's a fish!" exclaimed Russ. "Now you call it a skate! I guess you're both trying to make up riddles." "No, Russ," said his father, as he reeled in his line. "The fish Laddie sees, and I can see it from where I stand, really has some long, thin fins, which are like legs. And the name of the fish is 'skate, so you see they are both right.

At the end of his watch Kromodeor relinquished his board to the officer relieving him and shot into the air, propelled by the straightening of the powerful coils of his snake-like body and tail. Wings half spread, lateral and vertical ruddering fins outthrust, he soared across the room toward a low opening.

He pitied the poor creature, which had scarcely a breath of life left, so he picked it up and tossed it into the water. But this fish was king of all the fishes, and had jeweled scales and golden fins. It swam once around the lake, breathed two or three times to recover its strength, and then came back to the boy and said: "Wherever you go, may good-luck be your companion.

Besides, for some way, where I now saw but a naked spine, all that had been once wrapped round with tons of added bulk in flesh, muscle, blood, and bowels. Still more, for the ample fins, I here saw but a few disordered joints; and in place of the weighty and majestic, but boneless flukes, an utter blank!

It began to lash the sea with such astonishing violence, that all the previous struggles seemed as nothing. The water all round became white like milk, with great streaks of red blood running through it, and the sound of the quick blows of its tail and fins resembled that of dull hollow thunder. We gazed at this scene in deep silence and with beating hearts. All at once the struggles ceased.

There’s another, and another; three of them with their dorsal fins five or six feet high. Just see them swimming between two waves, quietly, making no jumps. Ah! if I had a harpoon, I bet my head that I could send it into one of the four yellow spots they have on their bodies. But there’s nothing to be done in this traffic-box; one cannot stretch one’s arms. Devil take it!

Let us go to the Codfish: here you see is the forearm, in this large pectoral fin carrying your mind's eye onward from the flapper of the Porpoise. And here you have the hinder limbs restored in the shape of these ventral fins. If I were to make a transverse section of this, I should find just the same organs that we have before noticed.